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词汇 生活状况
例句 We might just as well be in prison for all the quality our lives have at present.我们现在的生活状况跟蹲监狱差不了多少。The press helped to expose the appalling living conditions of the farm workers.新闻界帮助揭露了农场工人们令人震惊的生活状况The article presents an accurate picture of the contemporary lives of Japanese women.这篇文章准确描述了当代日本女性的生活状况The condition of the people could be elevated by a programme of social reform.人民的生活状况可以通过社会改革方案来提高。The novel tells about life during the occupation.这部小说讲述的是沦陷时期的生活状况The government has encouraged its people to better their condition.政府鼓励人民改善生活状况The organization has done much to improve the lot of underprivileged youth.这一组织已为改善贫困青年的生活状况做了很多工作。The novel gives a rounded picture of life as an illegal immigrant in the U.S.这部小说全面描述了一名非法移民在美国的生活状况The condition of the people could be elevated by a programme of social reform.人们的生活状况可以通过社会改革方案得到改善。Bob turned over to sleep again, wondering how Jupiter and Pete were making out.鲍勃一面挂念着丘辟特和皮特的生活状况,一面转身又去睡了。The PM pledged to make life better for the poorest families.首相承诺改善最贫困家庭的生活状况Ultimately, we can change the shape of people's lives.最终,我们可以改变人们的生活状况Little trace is left of how Stone Age people lived.石器时代人类的生活状况几乎无迹可寻。




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