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Lewis's novel doesn't flatter Midwestern attitudes and morals.刘易斯的小说并没有美化美国中西部人的生活态度和道德观念。Try to cultivate a more relaxed and positive approach to life.要努力养成更为放松和积极的生活态度。She has a carefree attitude toward life.她抱着了无牵挂的生活态度。You've got to have a positive attitude/outlook to do well in life.你得有个乐观向上的生活态度/人生观。He is conventional in his approach to life.他的生活态度是守旧的。Even though the heroine dies at the end, her struggle for a better world gives the movie a life-affirming message.尽管女主人公最终去世,但她为创造更美好的世界所付出的努力使这部影片传达出一种积极的生活态度。It merely underlines our rather more nonchalant attitude to life.这仅仅是更凸显了我们相当漠然的生活态度。His attitude towards his job seemed consistent with his overall approach to life.他的工作态度似乎符合他的整个生活态度。He has a devil-may-care attitude about life.他持一种无忧无虑的生活态度。 |