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词汇 美国文化
例句 Many immigrants have found it difficult to integrate into American culture.许多移民都发现很难融入美国文化American culture has been exported all over the world.美国文化已经传播到了世界各地。The beliefs are deeply ingrained/embedded/entrenched in American culture.这些信仰都深深植根于美国文化Each class will focus on one particular aspect of American culture.每一堂课都将重点讨论美国文化的某一方面。Her art is a mirror of modern American culture.她的艺术是现代美国文化的真实写照。American culture is in many ways still fairly prudish.美国文化对于性的问题在很多方面仍然相当迂腐守旧。The Statue of Liberty has become an American cultural icon.自由女神像已成为美国文化的象征。The Fourth of July parade was a real slice of Americana.独立日游行是典型美国文化的真实例子。He's right on the mark about movies being out of step with American culture.他认为电影正在偏离美国文化的看法完全正确。I feel this signals the degradation of American culture.我觉得这标志了美国文化的没落。




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