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词汇 on the stage
例句 A spotlight beamed down on the stage.一束光照在舞台上。She told him to go out there on the stage and knock 'em dead.她叫他去当演员,让观众开开眼界。He'll bottle out when he goes on the stage.他一上台就怯场。The thought of me on the stage seemed to amuse him.想到我在台上表演,他似乎觉得挺逗。It was as if the audience was completely mesmerized by the small figure on the stage.观众似乎被舞台上的这个身材矮小的人完全迷住了。Jane's parents didn't want her to go on the stage.简的父母不希望她当演员。Then Gertie got up on the stage and delighted us all by singing a comic song.然后格蒂走上舞台,唱了一首滑稽歌曲来逗我们开心。That was the first time the actor appeared on the stage.那是这名演员初次登台演出。She feels at home on the stage.她在舞台上感到轻松自如。The audience shouted raptures when the actress appeared on the stage.那女演员一登台,观众便热烈地大声狂呼。The actors took their places on the stage.演员们在舞台上各就各位。Her daughter is an artist and her son is on the stage.她女儿是画家,儿子是演员。A spotlight threw a pool of violet light on the stage.聚光灯在舞台上洒下一团紫光。You must speak loudly and clearly on the stage.在台上讲话时声音要响亮、清楚。He was the first comedian I ever saw on the stage.他是我在舞台上看到过的第一位滑稽演员。I've left my part on the stage.我把台词本遗忘在台上了。A chorus line of young lovelies danced on the stage.一排年轻漂亮的美女演员在舞台上翩翩起舞。Her real ambition is to be a movie star, not just an actress on the stage.她真正的抱负是成为电影明星,而不是仅仅当一个舞台演员。In those days it was not thought entirely proper for a woman to be on the stage.那个时候,女性登台表演被认为不太得体。I walked out on the stage and started to sing.我走出去,走到舞台上,开始唱歌。The movie star was warmly cheered as he got on the stage.这位影星登上舞台时受到人们的热烈欢呼。She pivots gracefully on the stage.她在舞台上优雅地旋转。He stood on the stage, illuminated by a dazzling ray of light.他站在舞台上,一束强光照着他。The actors take their places on the stage and the curtain rises.演员们在舞台上就位后大幕开启。When I saw my brother on the stage I nearly fell off my chair.看到弟弟在台上,我差点没从椅子上掉下来。Standing on the stage,he rolled out his address of welcome.他站在舞台上高声致欢迎词。The performers stood on the stage, soaking up the applause.演员们站在舞台上,沉浸在掌声中。A ghostly figure appeared on the stage.一个幽灵的身影出现在舞台上。He put chalk marks on the stage to show the actors where they should stand.他用粉笔在舞台上做标记,提示演员应该站的位置。In traditional opera a comedian in military plays often cartwheels on the stage.在旧剧中,武丑常常在戏台上横翻筋斗。The actors were poised on the stage, ready for the curtain to come up.演员们在台上摆好姿势,只等大幕开启。Some girls are dancing on the stage.一些女孩在舞台上跳舞。I watched him doing his stuff on the stage.我看着他在台上展示他的拿手活。Some of the old plays we had seen years before were revived on the stage.我们多年前看过的旧戏中有几出重又上演了。He went on the stage at the age of 15.他十五岁开始登台演出。The crowd went loco when she walked out on the stage.她一走上舞台人群就沸腾起来。My stomach was turning over and over as I waited for my turn on the stage.我等着轮到自己上台,心窝里揪得好紧张。The sound engineers were up on the stage doing mike checks.音响工程师在台上检查话筒。The cast was hoofing on the stage.演员们正在舞台上跳舞。An elevated platform on the stage collapsed during rehearsals.在排练过程中舞台上垫高的一个平台塌了。




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