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词汇 A band
例句 A band of human rights activists stormed the embassy and took several people hostage.一帮人权活动分子冲进大使馆,将数人扣为人质。A band of thunderstorms crossed the area late last night.昨天深夜一场雷暴席卷整个地区。A band played salsa, and spectators danced wildly.乐队演奏萨尔萨舞曲,观众们纵情跳舞。A band was playing a little way down the street.一个乐队正在街上不远处演奏。A band of leftists took over the consulate.一群左翼分子接管了领事馆。A band of renegades had captured the prince and were holding him to ransom.一群叛变分子俘获了王子,将其扣押索要赎金。A band of robbers hijacked the load of furs from the truck.一群强盗从卡车上抢劫了一批皮毛。A band of scientists questioned the theory.一帮科学家对这个理论提出了质疑。A band was playing nearby.一支乐队正在附近演出。A band of moving trucks hauls all of the furniture out of the house.一队搬家卡车把所有家具一股脑儿全运出了房子。A band of plastic holds the lid on the container.容器上的盖子箍着一圈塑料条。A band of hooligans amused themselves by tearing the place apart.一伙流氓在这个地方翻箱倒柜,以此来取乐。




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