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词汇 红利
例句 Dividends will be sent to shareholders.红利将被派发给股东。She reinvested the dividends in mutual funds.她把红利再投资于共同基金。The company has not yet declared its dividends for this year.公司还没有宣布派发今年的红利Profits are distributed to shareholders/stockholders as dividends.利润作为红利分给了股东。It makes no difference whether dividends are paid quarterly or annually.红利按季发放还是按年发放没有什么差别。The individual is taxed on the amount of dividend received.个人要按所得红利纳税。The bonus is paid out in a lump sum. 红利一次性发放。A small investment now will bear a handsome dividend later.现在投资一小笔,以后会带来丰厚红利Dividends will be calculated in the same manner.红利也将以相同方式计算。These bonuses will be paid when your savings plan matures in ten years' time.这些红利将会在十年后储蓄计划到期时支付给你。We each got a cut of the profits.我们每人都分到了一份红利Profit and dividend growth looks like being above average for the foreseeable future.利润和红利的增长看上去会在较长时间内维持在平均水平之上。The company told its preferred stockholders that it couldn't make its dividend payments.该公司告知优先股股东,公司无法支付红利The company declared a large dividend at the end of the year.公司在年底宣布红利甚丰。I'll get back all the money I invested, plus any interest and dividends that have accrued.我要拿回我投入的所有资金,以及累积的利息和红利I'll get back all the money I invested, plus any accrued interest and dividends.我要拿回我投入的所有资金,以及累积的利息和红利This is a bonus of incalculable worth.这一红利的价值无法计算。Many investors reinvest their dividends.许多投资者用他们的红利进行再投资。I got my share of the profits.我得到了我的那份红利




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