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词汇 社区
例句 We need to reinvest in our neighborhoods.我们需要投资改善我们的社区He grew up in a community home.他在社区之家长大。The community is very mixed, not least because there are plenty of small industrial enterprises.这个社区的成员非常复杂,尤其是因为这里有许多小型的工业企业。People with leprosy were shamed and driven out of their communities.那时麻疯病人受到羞辱,并被逐出社区The new mayor is reaching out to the local community to involve them in his plans for the city.新市长正努力和当地的社区打成一片,使其成为自己城市规划的一部分。Local communities are campaigning against the dumping of toxic waste.当地社区正在进行反对倾倒有毒垃圾的运动。The plan was developed in close consultation with the local community.该计划是在同当地社区的密切磋商中逐渐形成的。There is great respect for tradition among the older members of the community.社区的老年人对传统非常尊重。They have tried very hard to integrate with the local community.他们想方设法要融入当地社区My father had been a pillar of the community.我父亲一直是社区的顶梁柱。The success of the festival depended upon the participation of the whole community.节日活动的成功有赖于全社区的积极参与。He is, by common consent, the pariah of our community.他被公认为我们社区的贱民。The mayor has been unresponsive to the concerns of the community.市长对社区关心的问题一直不做回应。The company is still very much an important part of the community.这家公司现在仍然是这个社区相当重要的组成部分。Integrating the kids with the community, finding them a role, is essential.使孩子们融入社区并为他们找到自己的角色是非常必要的。The change had only a small impact on the community.这种变化对社区只造成了小小的影响。The recycling program involves every household in the neighborhood.这个回收利用计划涉及社区里的家家户户。The police department's handling of the affair has angered many in the community.警察部门对这件事的处理激怒了社区里的许多人。The changes will have a big impact on the community.这些变化会给社区带来巨大影响。She was hired to do community outreach for the company.她受雇于这家公司做社区延伸服务工作。Your community officer can give you advice on how to prevent crime in your area.你们的社区警官可以给你们提些建议,告诉你们如何防止社区内的犯罪。Both communities have to trust each other.两个社区必须相互信任。We now have a disproportionate number of elderly people in our community.现在我们社区老年人所占的比例不合理。They collected information about the community.他们收集了关于这个社区的信息。The two communities are separated by a highway.这两个社区由一条公路隔开。Many of the teenagers in the neighborhood already have arrest records.社区的许多青少年都已有被逮捕的记录。She did it for the good of the community. 她做这件事是为了社区的利益。You need people working for the benefit of the community.你们需要为社区谋利益的人。They appointed a new business manager and briefed her to work on community projects.他们任命了一位新的业务经理,并指派她负责社区项目的工作。The spillover of crime into the suburban community has created apprehension.犯罪浪潮泛滥到城郊社区的事实已引起人们的忧虑。He wants to improve his status in the community.他想提高自己在社区的地位。The library serves the community. = The library serves the needs of the community. 图书馆为这个社区提供服务。The community here has been devastated by poverty and unemployment.这里的社区因贫穷和失业已经垮掉了。Security institutions have to have the confidence of all communities.安全机构必须得到所有社区的信任。The regulations were introduced in order to safeguard the interests of local fishing communities.这些规章的实施是为了保护当地渔民社区的利益。Start with an audit of existing services within the community.从检查社区现有的服务开始。We now have a community where kids can go to the park unmolested.在我们现在的社区,孩子们都能随意到公园去。The people in the community are tolerant of each other's differences.社区的人们互相包容彼此的不同之处。We will stand tall and fight for issues of concern to our community.我们充满信心,准备为关系到我们社区的事而力争。It was a better community then when all the pits were working.所有的煤矿都在开工的那个时候,这个社区的情况要更好一些。




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