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词汇 Too
例句 Too heavy a reliance on a particular market may be dangerous for the company.对公司来说,过多地依赖某一市场会有很大风险。Too many high school teachers just spoon-feed their students.太多高中老师只是采用填鸭方法灌输学生。Too bad if you missed the bus. Walking will do you good.你误了公共汽车也没什么办法,走走路会对你有好处。Sunset at autumn is often a palette of colors. Too beautiful to pass unnoticed.秋天的日落时分经常是色彩缤纷。美到不容忽视。Too much background detail tends to lessen the impact of the central image.过多的背景细节会弱化中心图像。Too rich a diet will disorder his digestive system.过分油腻的饮食会使他的消化系统紊乱。Too much money is being spent on peripheral programs when our kids can't read or do basic math.无关紧要的项目上花费太多,而我们的孩子连阅读和基本的数学运算都不会。Too much tea is bad for your digestion.喝太多的茶会妨碍消化。Too often children are witness to a disturbing amount of violence.孩子们经常会目睹暴力事件,其数量之多令人不安。Too much is spent on expensive curative medicine and too little on preventive medicine.在昂贵的治疗性药物上花费太多,在预防性药物上的支出则太少。Too often women find their jobs turning into nooses around their neck.女性常常感到工作成了一种束缚。Too much exercise may set a boy's muscles prematurely.锻炼过了头可能会使男孩的肌肉早熟定型。Too often greed and politics seem to go together.贪婪往往与政治如影相随。Too much time has been wasted in sterile debate.在毫无新意的辩论上已经浪费了太多时间。How many years is it since we've seen each other? Too many, anyway.我们多少年没有见面了?反正有年头了。Too often children are witness to violence.孩子们经常会目睹暴力事件。Too tight a grip will restrict the natural motion in your hands.抓得太紧会限制双手的自然运动。Too often we make decisions based solely upon what we see in the magazines.太多的时候,我们仅仅根据在杂志上面所看到的东西就作出了决定。Too rich a diet will disorder your digestive system.过分油腻的饮食会使你的消化系统失调。Too much alcohol affects your coordination.喝酒太多会影响你动作的协调。Too often he only absorbs half the information in the manual.他对于说明书上所说的经常是一知半解。Too many temples have been built to trumped-up idols.为人造偶像建立的庙宇实在太多了。Too much licence was taken in translating the book.这本书译得太离谱了。Too many restrictions have stunted the economy.过多的限制阻碍了经济发展。Too much publicity has destroyed the mystique of the British monarchy.过多的宣传报道破坏了英国王室的神秘性。Too many irons in the fire can sap your energy and prevent you from seeing which path to take.同时做太多事会使你精力衰竭,让你不知道该做哪件事。Too many women are like me, guilt ridden about the kids.很多女人都像我一样,对孩子充满了内疚。Pockets on the back of pants should be larger. Too small of pockets will make your derriere look larger.裤子的后裤兜应该大一点。小口袋会让你的臀部显大。Too much time is spent on administration.在管理上花费了太多时间。Too much greasy food isn't good for you.太油腻的食物对你不利。Too much protein in the diet may advance the ageing process.饮食中摄入过量蛋白质可能会加速衰老。Too many of us have not seriously evaluated the amount of fat contained in the foods we eat.我们中太多人都没有认真计算过所吃的食物含有多少脂肪。Too much coffee makes me edgy.喝太多咖啡会让我感到烦躁。Too much fatty food will make your arteries clog up.吃太多的高脂食物会阻塞动脉。Too many golfers try to bash the ball out of sand. That spells disaster.太多高尔夫球手都想把球从沙子里敲出来,结果酿成了一场灾难。Too many young people are still on the dole.还在吃政府救济的年轻人太多了。Too often, picnic preparation consists of throwing together some sandwiches and grabbing an apple.准备野餐往往不过是随便做几个三明治,再来一个苹果。Too often the press are labelled as bad boys.记者们往往被视为捣蛋分子。Too often the press are labelled as villains.记者们往往被视为恶棍。Too much sugar will decay your teeth.吃太多糖会蛀蚀牙齿。




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