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词汇 to observe
例句 We were able to observe their behavior at close quarters. 我们得以近距离观察他们的行为。The golden rule for working in any factory is to observe its safety regulations.在任何工厂工作都要遵守的重要原则是遵守其安全生产规章。The Royal Greenwich Observatory was founded to observe and catalogue the stars.当初创立皇家格林尼治天文台就是为了观察星体并对其进行编目。She was able to observe the system at close quarters.她能够近距离地观察该系统。The Englishman is quick to observe that Canadians talk differently from himself.英国人敏感地发现加拿大人说话同自己不一样。It is interesting to observe the reaction of the children to these changes.观察孩子们对这些变化的反应很有意思。Our patrols were frequently tasked to observe and report front-line positions.我们的侦察队频繁地接到任务去侦察和报告前线的位置。The UN has called on both sides to observe the ceasefire.联合国已呼吁双方遵守停火协议。The game will continue only when both teams agree to observe the rules.只有双方都同意遵守规则,比赛才能继续进行。It was difficult to observe any change in his expression.很难看出他的表情有什么变化。The governor failed to observe the rules of natural justice.监狱长不讲公道。He was careful to observe the proprieties.他谨慎地遵守社交礼节。He was invited to the conference to observe.他作为观察员应邀参加会议。In Istanbul, East and West fuse together in a way that is fascinating to observe.在伊斯坦布尔,观察东西方的融合是件令人兴味盎然的事。Our teachers took us on field trips to observe plants and animals, firsthand.老师带我们去野游,对动植物进行实地观察。We try to observe the local customs so that we don't offend people.我们尽量遵守当地的习俗,免得冒犯别人。It is not possible to observe this phenomenon directly.不可能直接观察到这一现象。He pretended not to observe our entry.他装作没有看见我们进来。Our class went on a field trip to a steelworks to observe a new steel-making process.我们班级到校外一家钢厂去实地考察一种新的炼钢法。The role of scientists is to observe and describe the world, not to try to control it.科学家的任务是观察和描述这个世界,而不是试图控制它。From our hiding place we were able to observe the animals at close quarters.从我们躲藏的地方可以近距离地观察动物。The purpose of sitting perfectly still in meditation is to observe whatever comes without trying to avoid or judge it.静坐冥想的目的是不加回避或判断地省察一切。She pretended not to observe it.她装作没看见的样子。I have little to observe on what has been said.对所说的这些,我谈不出什么意见。Failure to observe club rules may result in expulsion.不遵守俱乐部规定者可能会被开除会籍。Imposing speed restrictions is easy, but forcing motorists to observe them is trickier.限制车速容易,但强制司机遵守这些限速规定就难办多了。One man was ordered to observe enemy aircraft and to warn when danger was imminent.一名士兵被派观察敌机动向,在出现危险情况时发出警告。The submarine bottomed to observe the ocean floor.潜艇潜入海底观察洋底。He had been taught to observe the ordinary decencies.他被教导要遵守常规的行为准则。I love to observe people at work.我喜欢观察正在工作的人。I got a chance to observe how a detective actually works.我曾经有个机会去观察侦探实际上是怎样工作的。You would expect to observe an increase in births during peacetime.你会看到和平时期出生率有所上升。




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