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词汇 to occur
例句 I don't want such a thing to occur again.我不希望再发生这样的事情。Violence of some type seems to occur in every society.每个社会似乎都会存在某种形式的暴力。We can't just look the other way while these violations of basic human rights continue to occur.这些违反基本人权的事件接连发生,我们决不能视而不见。They expect bonding to occur naturally.他们希望能够建立自然的关系。Although arbitrary arrests are illegal, they continue to occur in many parts of the country.尽管擅自逮捕是违法的,但在这个国家的许多地方这样的事还是不断发生。It avoided so many of the occasions for awkwardness that seemed to occur when they were face to face.这避免了很多让他们面对面的场合,免去了尴尬。The event is scheduled to occur at noon tomorrow.这项赛事预定在明天中午进行。The disease tends to occur in children under the age of five.这种病多发生在五岁以下的儿童中。The report shows the intersections at which accidents are most likely to occur.报告展示了最可能发生事故的十字路口。By noticing these changes, the woman can tell when ovulation is about to occur.女性通过留心这些变化就能判断排卵的日期。Mistakes are bound to occur.肯定会出错。No one was ready for what was about to occur.对将要发生的事谁也没有准备好。Technology allows distance education to occur at all levels.科技使人们可以获得各种层次的远程教育。It is uncertain how likely this is to occur.出现这种情况可能性有多大还不清楚。It never seems to occur to my children to contact me.我的子女好像从来都没想到和我联系。




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