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词汇 直面
例句 We have to slough off our fears and face the challenge that confronts us.我们必须克服恐惧,直面挑战。He confronted his childhood trauma and tried to exorcize the pain.直面童年的创伤,试图忘却伤痛。They had stared down danger more than once.他们不止一次直面并化解了危险。We are learning how to confront death instead of avoiding its reality.我们在学习如何直面死亡,而非回避死亡这一现实。She decided to confront/meet the challenge head-on.她决定直面挑战。They bore their plight with stoicism and fortitude.他们以坚忍刚毅的精神直面困境。We must face these problems/issues squarely.我们必须直面这些问题/事情。Some people need to confront a traumatic past; others find it better to leave it alone.有人需要直面过去的创伤,有人则觉得不去想它为妙。This difficulty will have to be squarely faced.必须直面这一困难。You need to confront those who have sided against you.你要直面那些联合反对你的人。Victims of crime are encouraged to confront their emotions.罪案受害人受到鼓励去直面自己的情感。Challenging the elements is one thing; simply braving the odds is quite another.不惧恶劣天气是一回事,敢于和逆境直面抗争就完全是另外一回事了。Without breaking stride, the Prime Minister stood up to his opponents.总理从容不迫地直面自己的反对者。We need to square up to this problem.我们得直面这个问题。You must stand and face the danger.你必须忍耐并直面危险。Only by confronting our pain can we be healed from it.我们只有直面痛苦,才能从痛苦中走出来。He called a family conference and faced them with the problems.他召开家庭会议,让大家直面这些问题。Avoid using straight faced clubs, and in severe circumstances be content to keep the ball in play.避免使用直面杆,迫不得已的情况下保持活球就行。The new state confronted head-on the question of national identity.这个新州直面国家认同的问题。The management committee have faced the situation squarely.管理委员会直面当前形势。Many politicians are still not willing to be candid about the state of our main parties.很多政客仍然不愿意直面我国主要政党的状况。The book confronts the harsh social and political realities of the world today.这本书直面当今世界残酷的社会和政治现实。They were determined to meet the challenge head-on.他们决心直面挑战。We are learning how to confront death.我们正在学习如何直面死亡。His encounter with reality has not been a pleasant one.他第一次直面现实的经历并不愉快。Years of easy success had ossified the company's thinking and it never faced up to the challenge of the new technology.多年来轻易取得的成功让这家公司变得思维僵化,从不直面新技术带来的挑战。




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