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词汇 traditionally
例句 Quaker meetings are traditionally held in silence.传统上,贵格会教徒的祈祷会要安静地举行。The hotel is traditionally furnished, with cool marble floors.这家旅馆陈设风格传统,地面铺着清爽的大理石。Light traditionally analogizes with intellectual brilliance.光历来被用来比拟智慧的芒焰。In the UK visible imports have traditionally been greater than visible exports.在英国,传统上有形产品的进口一直大于出口。The area was traditionally thought to have been evangelized by St Andrew.相传圣安德烈曾在这一地区传道。Priests have traditionally held an important position in the community.牧师通常在社区里拥有重要的地位。He is loathed by some of the more traditionally minded officers.他为某些思想较为守旧的官员所不喜。The source of meat for much of this region (excepting Japan) has traditionally been the pig.该地区大部分地方(日本除外)的传统肉食是猪肉。Politeness is traditionally part of the British character.待人礼貌客气历来是英国人性格的一部分。Mexicans traditionally dry chillies in the open air.墨西哥人传统上都是在露天晾干辣椒的。She thinks too traditionally for my taste.在我看来,她的思想太传统了。John Bull is traditionally depicted as a fat man wearing a waistcoat with the British flag on it.约翰牛传统上被描绘成一个身材肥胖的男子,身上穿着件印有英国国旗的马甲。Sons are traditionally expected to emulate their fathers.历来认为儿子会仿效父亲。Violence is an extreme form of traditionally masculine behaviour.暴力是传统上男性行为的极端形式。The little small-town banks were traditionally very frightened that Wall Street would come to dominate the whole country.偏狭守旧的小银行通常都很害怕华尔街会控制整个国家。Winter is traditionally a dead time of year in the fashion business.冬天传统上是时装业一年中的淡季。Rabbits were traditionally regarded as vermin.人们向来认为兔子是有害的动物。Hell is traditionally associated with suffering…地狱历来与受苦联系在一起。Appraisal has traditionally been seen as most applicable to those in management and supervisory positions.传统上认为业绩评定最适用于那些身处管理和监督职位之人。Books have traditionally quenched a child's thirst for knowledge.书本传统上满足了儿童对知识的渴求。Drama is an art that is traditionally performed in a theatre.戏剧是一门通常在剧院表演的艺术。Brahmans traditionally become priests in the Hindu religion.依照传统,婆罗门都是印度教的僧侣。Fierce rivalries have traditionally fragmented the region.激烈的对抗一直以来把这个地区搞得四分五裂。Hell is traditionally associated with suffering.地狱历来与受苦联系在一起。The traps are traditionally baited with cheese.诱捕器传统上用奶酪作诱饵。The two countries are traditionally in the same camp.这两个国家传统上总是同处一个营垒。Measures sold in Scotland have been traditionally larger.传统上,苏格兰出售的标准量的酒要多于别处。It's the best traditionally animated movie since Beauty and the Beast.那是自《美女与野兽》一片以来用传统手法拍摄的最好的动画片。Women are traditionally supposed to be good at multitasking.传统上认为妇女善于同时做几件事情。Gold is traditionally seen as a hedge against inflation.购买黄金被认为是防范通货膨胀的一种传统手段。Scientists traditionally divide the oceans into zones.科学家传统上都把海洋划分成区。Rosemary is traditionally recommended to bring lustre and depth to dark hair.人们历来首选用迷迭香来使头发更加乌黑亮泽。Abstention is traditionally high in Colombia.在哥伦比亚,弃权率历来较高。The Liberals were traditionally seen as the more pacific party.自由党人历来被认为更加温和。Married women have traditionally been treated as dependent on their husbands.传统观念认为已婚妇女依附于其丈夫。Her name fits in with a traditionally feminine image.她的名字符合传统的女性形象。German beer is traditionally made from hops, malt, yeast and water.传统上德国啤酒是用酒花、麦芽、酵母和水酿制而成的。British Prime Ministers are traditionally offered hereditary peerages.按照传统,英国首相是要获授世袭贵族爵位的。More women are entering traditionally male jobs.更多的妇女干起了历来由男人担当的工作。Agricultural work is traditionally seen as a male occupation.在传统观念中,农活儿被认为是男性的工作。




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