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词汇 目的
例句 Painting is to a high degree autotelic, that is to say, self-rewarding.绘画在很大程度上具有本身的目的,也就是说,本身是有益处的。The sponsors of a television program pay the costs of making the program.电视节目赞助商出资承担编制节目的费用。The project was doomed from the start.这一项目的结局从一开始就注定了。The goal of the experiment was to familiarize the people with the new laws.试行的目的就是要让人们熟悉新法规。Their purpose would be to set a timetable for the conversion of British cars to low-octane fuel.他们的目的是制定出一个时间表,把英国的汽车改成使用低辛烷值燃料的汽车。The aim is to evaluate possible outcomes.目的是评估可能出现的结果。The bank launched an advertising campaign to lure back its traditional customers.银行发动了一场广告宣传活动,目的是要把传统客户吸引回去。Certain scenes were juiced up for commercial purposes.为商业目的增添了某些镜头。They've just reached the halfway stage of the project.他们刚刚完成这个项目的一半。We have received a number of complaints about last night's programme.我们接到好几个有关昨晚节目的投诉。Our aim is to make it easier for young unknown artists to show their work.我们的目的是方便不知名的年轻艺术家展出他们的作品。We invited the Home Secretary on the programme.我们邀请了负责这一项目的内政大臣。In the case of torture, the end can never justify the means.就酷刑而言,目的永远无法证明手段的正当性。The success or failure of the project depends on how committed the managers are.目的成败取决于经理们的投入程度。The space shuttle is being used more and more for commercial purposes.航天飞机被越来越多地用于商业目的The show's organizers spent over $500,000 on publicity alone.这次节目的主办方单广告宣传就花了五十多万美元。Here's a brief laundry list of what needs fixing.这是待修理项目的简明清单。She is the program/project coordinator.她是这个计划/项目的协调人。Lies he had told Katrina in the past had been exaggerations or embellishments to add fun to a story.他以前对卡特里娜撒的谎中夸张和添油加醋成分居多,目的是使自己讲的东西听起来更有意思。They make common cause for a few purposes, but for the most part, they pursue their own interests.他们因为几个目的而联手,可是多数情况下,他们追逐着各自的利益。I like all the actors on the show, but he's my fave.我喜欢这个节目的所有演员,但他是我的最爱。It's time to put our differences by and work together for a common purpose.现在已是抛弃我们之间的分歧并为一个共同目的而工作的时候了。Our aim is to impart knowledge.我们的目的是传授知识。I've only got a vague idea of what he wants for this project.他做这个项目的目的,我只隐约知道一点。What are the aims and objectives of this visit?这次访问的目的和宗旨是什么?You all know why I am here. So I won't waste time on preliminaries.你们都知道我来这里的目的。所以我就闲话少说了。The idea is to encourage people to get to know their neighbours.目的是促使人们结识邻居。Jordan asked for editorial control of the project.乔丹要求这个项目的编辑事务由他来负责。The money for the project was provided by a syndicate of banks.这个项目的资金是由银行财团提供的。The story was just another puff piece to help the mayor get reelected.这篇报道不过又是一篇吹捧文章,目的是帮助市长再次当选。Aziz won the event with a jump of 2 metres.阿基兹跳了两米,赢得了这个项目的冠军。The stone was bleached to a harsh, glaring white.石材被漂成了一种刺目的白色。He wanted to discuss his position, and arranged a meeting to this end.他想讨论一下他的立场,于是为此目的安排了一场会议。He was trying to whip up some enthusiasm for the project.他正在试图煽动人们对这个项目的狂热。The aim of the service was to offer everything the independent investor wanted, bar advice.该项服务的目的就是向独立投资者提供除建议外他们想要的一切。My enthusiasm for the project was waning.我对这个项目的热情逐渐淡下去了。This is the best article that has ever been written on the subject.迄今为止在有关这个题目的文章中,这一篇是最好的。Lack of funding has encumbered the project.缺乏资金已阻碍了这个项目的进展。If this policy is reversed, we shall never achieve our objectives.如果倒行这一政策,我们将永远达不到目的We offer catch-up TV, so that people who miss a programme will be able to view it on demand.我们提供电视节目补看服务,这样错过了某个节目的观众可以根据需要补看。




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