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词汇 conversations
例句 Would phone conversations substitute for cosy chats over lunch or in the pub after work?.打电话能代替午餐时或下班后在酒吧里的惬意闲谈吗?Our conversations left me deeply depressed.我们的交谈使我感到非常沮丧。They used to have long philosophical conversations.他们过去经常长时间地谈论哲学。My mother has learnt to play along with the bizarre conversations begun by father.母亲学会了假装附和由父亲提起的奇怪话题。Their conversations often erupted into squabbles.他们在谈话中经常会突然争吵起来。It's bad when phones garble conversations.电话让对话含混不清,这样很糟糕。I've had conversations with several employers who say there are not enough qualified people to fill the jobs they have.我和几位雇主进行了交谈,他们说找不到有足够资格的人来出任他们提供的职位。She had an amazing memory and could recall verbatim quite complex conversations.她记忆力惊人,能够一字不差地回想起很复杂的谈话内容。He's always cutting in on our conversations.他总是在我们谈话时插嘴。When you are struggling with an unfamiliar language, the simplest conversations can be misinterpreted.如果不熟悉一种语言,最简单的谈话都可能被误解。He wore a hidden microphone to secretly tape-record conversations.他身上藏了一个传声器,打算偷偷录下谈话内容。How dare you pick up the phone and listen in on my conversations!.你竟敢拿起电话偷听我的谈话!Next door to us lived a batty old lady who used to have long conversations with her plants.我们的隔壁住着一位古怪的老妇人,她常常和自己种的花草谈个没完。Salter picked over the conversations of the last two days.索尔特反复琢磨过去两天来的谈话。I wish Dad would stop listening in on my phone conversations.我希望爸爸不再偷听我的电话。Cellular phones are inherently insecure, as anyone can listen to and record conversations.手机天生就不安全,因为任何人都可以听到并录下谈话。They had several surreptitious conversations.他们有过几次秘密会谈。Our conversations ended with him saying he would try to be more understanding.我们的谈话结束时,他说他会争取去多体谅别人。I listen in to their conversations and store it all up to tell you later.我会偷听他们的谈话,把所有的内容都记住,然后告诉你。She has almost total recall of her conversations with the President.她几乎记住了与总统的全部谈话内容。She had no scruples about eavesdropping on conversations.她对偷听别人谈话一点也不感到良心不安。Nobody likes a braggart. They dominate conversations and only talk about themselves.没人喜欢大话王。他们喜欢侃侃而谈,而且只爱自说自话。They had long, idle conversations.他们漫无目的地长谈。Tape recordings of alleged conversations between the two suspects are unlikely to incriminate them.据称是两个嫌疑犯之间对话的录音磁带不太可能显示出他们有罪。I was never privy to conversations between top management.高层管理者之间的对话我从不知情。Our meetings and conversations left me deeply depressed.我们的会面和谈话让我深感沮丧。The conversations were designed to undermine her authority so she felt that she could no longer work for the company.这些谈话有意削弱她的威信,这样她会觉得自己在公司干不下去。Modern technology enables eavesdroppers to pick up conversations through windows or walls.现代技术使窃听者能够隔着窗户或墙偷听谈话。I struck up conversations with a number of women in the school.我和学校的一些女性开始交谈起来。We had to listen to endless conversations about high prices and food shortages.我们不得不听那些关于高物价和食品短缺的无休无止的谈话。The Japanese people are meticulous about the use of honorifics in their conversations.日本人在会话中特别讲究敬语的使用。People would break off their conversations when she came into the room.她走进房间时人们会停止交谈。Don't bug private conversations, and don't buy papers that reprint them.不要窃听私人谈话,不要购买重印这些谈话的报纸。Recordings of conversations are transcribed and entered into the database.谈话的录音被转写下来并输入资料库。They spiced their conversations and discussions with intrigue.他们的谈话和讨论透着些许的神秘。She often strikes up conversations with strangers. 她经常与陌生人搭讪。The government illegally eavesdropped on his telephone conversations.政府非法窃听了他的电话。The idea for this book grew out of conversations with Philippa Brewster.创作这本书的想法来源于跟菲莉帕·布鲁斯特的谈话。Alice's name keeps cropping up in our conversations.艾丽斯的名字不断出现在我们的谈话中。She coveted his job so openly that conversations between them were tense.她毫不隐讳地表示想得到他的工作,以至于他们之间说话都带着火药味。




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