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词汇 田里
例句 We took a short cut across the fields.我们抄近道从田里穿了过去。The farmers were busy reaping the rice in the field.农民们忙著在田里割稻。All around the furrows in the fields were filled with snow.田里的犁沟都填满了积雪。We plowed furrows in the field.我们在田里犁地。Weeds quickly colonized the field.田里很快长满了杂草。They managed to set the plane down in a field.他们设法把飞机降落在了田里They are still working in the fields.他们还在田里工作。The lambs are frisking in the fields.羊羔在田里跳来跳去。Her privileged upbringing had not equipped her for hard work in the fields.优越的成长环境使她不能适应田里的苦活。Farmers flood the fields in order to grow rice.农场主往田里灌满水以便种植水稻。He was wringing wet after working in the fields in the hot sun.烈日下在田里干活后,他浑身湿透了。The rain had made the field very muddy.雨下得田里泥泞不堪。If we cut across the field, it'll save time.如果从这片田里穿过去就能节省时间。He poled the ground.他在田里搭了秧架子。The corn is weathered in the field.玉米在田里晾晒风干。They were busy trenching the fields for draining.他们忙著在田里开沟排水。Instead of harvesting wheat at a loss, they plan to graze cattle on their fields.他们不再去亏本种小麦了,而是打算在自己田里牧牛。I shall graze the bottom field.我将在最低的一块田里放牧。We graze cattle on our fields.我们在自己田里牧牛。The goat was chasing Mark round and round the field - it was so funny.那只山羊追着马克在田里转着圈子跑,真是好笑。A system of irrigation channels brings water to the fields.灌溉水渠系统把水引入田里The farmer tethered a goat in the field and left it there for the day.农民把一头山羊拴在田里,让它在那里待一天。We used to graze on the fields where the corn is now.过去我们经常在现在种着粮食的田里放牧。The workers were out reaping in the fields.工人们在田里收割。The wheat shattered in the fields.田里小麦落粒了。The fields have been seeded with corn.田里播种了玉米。Yesterday the field opposite was sown with maize.昨天对面的田里播种了玉米。Tom is manuring land.汤姆正在田里施肥。There was a cow in the field, slowly chewing a mouthful of grass.田里有头奶牛在慢慢地嚼着一嘴的草。There are lots of rocks cropping out in the field.那块田里有许多岩石露出地面。Grass had withered in the fields.田里的草都枯萎了。The men had been working in the fields all day and they were tired out.那些人在田里干了一整天活,都累坏了。Men. women and children spent long hours toiling in the fields, whatever the weather conditions.不论天气好坏,男男女女、老老少少都长时间在田里辛勤劳动。They worked for long spells in the fields.他们在田里长时间地劳动。Cornflowers grow in profusion in the fields.田里长满了矢车菊。Keep an eye out for rabbits in the field.要密切注意田里的兔子。We warned them that there was a bull in the field.我们提醒他们,田里有一头公牛。The children work alongside their parents in the field.孩子们跟着父母在田里劳作。Let's take a short cut across the field.我们抄近路,从田里穿过去吧。




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