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词汇 a few more
例句 I borrowed a few more books to carry me through the summer.我多借了几本书以消磨这个夏天。The bus stopped to let on a few more passengers.公共汽车停下,让几名乘客上了车。I won't detain you for much longer, Miss Reid. There are just a few more questions that I need to ask you.我不会耽误你多久的,里德小姐。我只需要再问你几个问题。The bus stopped to load a few more passengers.这辆公共汽车又停下来载了几位乘客。We still have to iron out a few more wrinkles in the schedule.关于日程安排我们还有几个小问题需要解决。He paddled a few more strokes and the nose of the boat ran on to the beach.他又划了几桨,船头便搁到海滩上了。He made a few more yards before he fell down.他又走了几码之后终于倒下了。We need to sketch in a few more details before presenting the plan.在提交这项计划前,我们需要再添加些细节。I need a few more minutes to play myself in.我还需要几分钟才能适应。There were a few more of us at the second meeting.在第二次会面的时候我们又多了一些人。Take a few more for the kids. There, that should do it.再给孩子们拿一些,喏,这下该够了。He put a few more coins in the slot.他又将几枚硬币投进投币口。He asked a few more questions, to which he received unsatisfactory answers.他又问了几个问题,得到的答案都不令人满意。I'll stay around for a few more minutes.我要在这儿多待一会儿。It took some doing, but I finally persuaded Jim to give me a few more days off.我费了不少工夫,但最终还是说服了吉姆再准我几天假。Just give me a few more minutes and I'll be ready.再多给我几分钟我就准备好了。She looked over her picture and then sketched in a few more clouds.她打量了一下她的绘画,又添了几朵云。Dodging the blow, he aimed a few more jabs.他躲过那一击,对准敌手又猛戳几下。If you just bear with me for a few more minutes, we'll have all the paperwork finished.如果你能耐心地再等几分钟,我们会把所有的文书工作都做完。We can only hold out for a few more hours.我们只能再守几个小时了。He made a few more pointless remarks.他又讲了些言不及义的话。The job will be kept vacant for a few more weeks.这一岗位还要再空上几周。Throw a few more lumps of coal on the fire.往火里再加几块煤。I'd like a few more.我想再要一些。Give the handle a few more winds.你把手柄再摇几下。Eric gritted his teeth and vouchsafed them a few more drops of brandy.埃里克咬紧牙关,又给他们倒了些白兰地。She thought about retiring, but she finally decided to stay on for a few more years.她想过要退休,但最终决定再干几年。Our old car should be good for a few more years. 我们的旧车应该还能开几年。He can only hold out a few more weeks.他只能再坚持几周了。I need a few more pieces of tape.我还需要几盘磁带。They prolonged their goodbyes for a few more minutes.他们又过了几分钟才分别。There are a couple of fish with blue markings, and a few more with gold stripes down the side.这有几条带蓝色斑点的鱼,那边还有几条带金色条纹的。I wanted to stay ignorant of my fate for a few more precious hours.我想再多享受宝贵的几小时而不去想自己的命运如何。It'll take a few more days.这还要花几天时间。The teacher tried to squeeze in a few more lessons before school vacation.在放假之前老师尽量挤时间多上几节课。The proposal may succeed if a few more people get behind it.如果再多几个人支持的话,这项提案可能会通过。He's trying to sweat off a few more pounds.他正拼命锻炼想再减掉几磅。Just a few more questions, then we'll leave you in peace.再问几个问题我们就不打扰你了。The company hired a few more employees.公司又多雇了几名员工。I wanted to dig a few more facts up for my article.我想为我的文章再查清一些实据。




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