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词汇 a few of
例句 Only a few of the beds were occupied.只有几张床有人睡。Only a few of his kindred were present at his funeral.亲属中只有很少几个人参加了他的葬礼。The moon was so bright that it dimmed out all but a few of the most lustrous stars.月光如此皎洁,除最明亮的几颗以外,所有的星星都显得暗淡无光。She knows quite a few of the people who work at the hospital.她认识许多在这家医院工作的人。These are just a few of the many options available.这些只不过是众多可能的选择中的几个。Only a few of the artifacts will be put on display. = Only a few of the artifacts will go on display.只有几件手工艺品将公开展出。Branford took us to meet a few of his colleagues.布兰福德带我们去认识他的几位同事。She led off with a few of her old hit songs.她以自己过去的几首主打歌曲开始了演出。These are only a few of the possibilities.这些仅仅是其中几种可能。Her proposals were welcomed by most people, with only mild criticism from a few of her opponents.她的提议广受欢迎,只有少数对手提出了温和的批评。These are just a few of the possible responses to this question.这些只是对这个问题的可能回答中的几个。She watched a few of the games while waiting to go on court.她在等待上场时观看了几场比赛。There are many ways eggs can be prepared; here are a few of them.鸡蛋有多种做法,这是其中几种。Quite a few of the students were late.不少学生迟到了。She met a few of my relatives.她和我的几位亲戚会过面了。They managed to salvage only a few of their belongings from the fire.他们从大火中只抢救出少数几样东西。When the ship finally reached land, only a few of the crew were left to witness the event.船最终靠岸时,只有几个船员能留下来目睹此事。I did a few of the usual idiotic things as a teenager to try to draw attention to myself.我在十来岁的时候,经常会做一些傻事来引起别人注意。When energetic particles or quanta of radiation pass through a crystal, they excite a few of its atoms into a higher energy state.辐射性的高能粒子或量子穿过晶体时,会把晶体的一些原子激发成更高的能态。Only a few of Leonardo's earlier paintings still survive.达·芬奇的早期画作只有少数几幅得以保存下来。We chose a few of the commonest lexical items in the languages.我们选取了各语言中最常见的几个词汇。We will develop a few of these points in the seminar.在研讨会上我们将详细阐述其中的一些观点。I need to go and work off a few of these calories.我要去消耗掉一些卡路里。Only a few of my friends were informed about it.这件事只有我的几个朋友知道。We picked a few of the berries.我们采了一些浆果。I'm going to the club with a few of my friends.我要和几个朋友一起去俱乐部。During Dickinson's lifetime, only a few of her works were actually published.迪金森生前只有很少的作品发表。Sean left the gate open and a few of the cows got out.肖恩忘了关上门,几头牛跑了出去。They cut away a few of the tree's lower branches.他们砍去了这棵树几根低处的树枝。There were hundreds of protesters, not a few of whom were women.有几百名示威者,其中不少是女性。Unfortunately, a few of the people who came failed to enjoy themselves.遗憾的是,来客中有几位玩得不尽兴。I thought I would skim through a few of the letters.我想我会翻看其中的几封信。Ibsen and Chekhov are a few of the dramatists who were influenced by naturalism.易卜生和契诃夫是几位受到自然主义影响的剧作家。Will a few of you stop behind to help clear the chairs away?你们留下几个人帮着把椅子搬走好吗? They sold a few of the books.他们卖掉了其中几本书。After I got the promotion, a few of my co-workers started giving me the cold shoulder.我晋升之后,有一些同事开始冷落我。Today, only a few of these beautiful animals survive.今天,这种美丽的动物已所剩无几了。Only a few of the women still weave.只有很少的妇女还在编织。We had a lot of applicants for the job but only a few of them were acceptable.我们的这份工作有不少求职者,但合适的只有几位。These are just a few of the things I dislike about him.这些只是几点我讨厌他的地方。




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