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词汇 a few times
例句 I've played against him a few times.我已多次和他交手。We've dated a few times, but it's nothing serious.我们有过几次约会,但感觉不来电。The effect can be amplified by reflecting the light back and forth a few times through the sample.把光在样品中来回反射数次,就可以把效应加强。The car engine coughed a few times, but wouldn't start.汽车发动机吭哧吭哧响了几声,但没发动起来。We ate lunch together a few times.我们一起吃过几次午餐。They went to the tennis club a few times but never really got into the spirit of it.他们去了几次网球俱乐部,但从未真正投身其中。He dipped a few times in the ocean to cool himself off.为了凉快凉快,他在海水里泡了几次。You've got something in your eye - try blinking a few times.你眼睛里有东西——眨几下眼睛试试。The riders cantered round the field a few times.骑手绕着场地小跑了几次。The ball bounced a few times.球弹了几下。We'd seen each other a few times as part of a group, but we didn't really get it together till Rachel's party.我们在一群人一起时见过一两次面,但直到瑞秋的聚会后才真正好上。Even Ford, who seldom smiled, laughed out loud a few times.即使是很少笑的福特,有几次也笑出声来。I wasn't sure about Sarah at first, but I warmed to her after we'd been out together a few times.一开始我不太确定是不是喜欢萨拉,可后来我跟她一起外出约会了几次后就对她有了好感。I've been around the block a few times, and I think I know when someone's trying to cheat me.我也见过一些世面,我想我看得出什么时候有人想骗我。I know her vaguely - we've exchanged hellos a few times.我对她不太熟悉——我们只是打过几次招呼。I only hit him a few times, then I gave it away.我只打了他几下,后来就住手了。Although he had only rehearsed the part a few times, he carried it off beyond all expectations.他对这角色虽然只排练了几次,但是他完全出人意料地演得非常成功。I switched on the ignition and turned the engine over a few times.我打开点火装置,发动了好几次引擎。It is like learning to ride a bike. You may fall off a few times but practice makes perfect.这就像学骑自行车。你可能会摔几次,但是熟能生巧。When I'd missed a few times, he suggested I rest the rifle on a rock to steady it.好几次我都没打中,于是他建议我把步枪放在岩石上面以稳定枪托。There were indistinct sounds of the cell door opening and closing a few times.偶尔有几回传来牢门启闭的微弱声响。He's a little slow on the uptake, so you may have to repeat the instructions a few times.他领悟力比较差,因此你可能得重复指导他好几遍。He rubbed his hands together a few times.他搓了几下手。The pants were a little tight at first, but after I wore them a few times, they fit like a glove.这条裤子一开始有点紧,但我穿过几次后就很合身了。He's been lucky. He's landed on his feet a few times when by rights he shouldn't have.他果真幸运,好几次差点儿出事,最后却都平安无事。The candle flickered a few times and then went out.烛光闪烁了几下就熄灭了。




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