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词汇 a few years
例句 I'm not such a misery now! I gave up drink a few years back and that has changed things a lot.我现在已经不喜欢抱怨了。几年之前我戒了酒,整个人就大不一样了。My father only lived for a few years after his heart attack.我父亲心脏病发作之后只活了几年时间。The tree looks weak now but should begin to fill out in a few years.这棵树现在看起来弱不禁风,但几年后应该会茁壮成长起来。Al's dad had only a few years of schooling.阿尔的爸爸只受过几年的学校教育。After a few years of being a diplomat, she still didn't feel settled.做了几年外交官后,她还是没有适应。Until a few years ago, there was a taboo around the subject of divorce.直到几年前为止,离婚一直是个忌讳的话题。A heart transplant might prolong his life for a few years.心脏移植可能会使他延长几年生命。Ideas percolate for a few years, turning into concepts and then into full-blown ways of working.这些想法先是流传几年,然后变成概念,最后发展成为成熟的工作方法。In a few years, I'll be eligible to retire.再过几年我就可以退休了。Within a few years, the company had a virtual monopoly over all trade with India.不到几年时间,该公司实际上已经垄断了与印度的所有贸易往来。She refereed for a periodical a few years ago.几年前她为一期刊担任编审。Chain belts were the thing a few years ago.链式腰带在几年前是很流行的。He had taken the photo a few years ago.他在几年前拍了这张照片。The domestic market is likely to be saturated in a few years.国内市场过几年可望达到饱和。The thrill wears off after a few years of marriage. You'll see.婚后几年这种兴奋感就会逐渐消逝。你等着瞧吧。The book appeared in print again a few years ago.这本书几年前再版过。They won a million dollars and, for a few years, got to see how the other half lives. 他们赢了一百万美元,于是亲身体验了几年富人的生活。In the course of a few years, Lambert built up a highly successful export business.兰伯特在几年间建立了一家非常成功的出口企业。The college opened its doors to black students a few years ago.那所大学几年前开始招收黑人学生。Within a few years of its inception, the charity was involved in aid projects all around the world.该慈善机构成立了短短几年便参与了世界各地的援助项目。His elder son was killed in a car crash a few years ago.他的长子几年前死于车祸。The manufacturer plans to retire that car model in a few years.制造商计划在几年之后淘汰这一车型。After he left the army he just drifted for a few years.离开军队后,他在外漂泊了几年。After a few years of marriage I was starting to feel hemmed in.结婚几年后,我开始觉得受束缚。We sold the restaurant when we were strapped for cash a few years ago.前几年我们手头紧,就把餐厅卖了。I loved that album when I bought it a few years ago but it sounds really dated today.几年前我买下这张专辑时是很喜欢它的,但是如今听起来很过时了。She has been stationed at the base for a few years.她被派驻基地有些年了。They were given the franchise a few years ago.数年前他们获得选举权。If we stick in for a few years, I'm confident we'll succeed.如果我们坚持数年,我相信我们将会成功。He got through all the money he inherited in just a few years.他几年时间就花完了继承所得的全部财产。After a few years, he became very skilful at drawing.几年以后,他在绘画方面技艺纯熟。Believers were treated with the same severity as the Christians had been a few years earlier.和几年前的基督徒一样,信徒们受到了同样严厉的对待。The majority of overweight people who diet tend to gain the weight back within a few years.大多数节食的超重者几年后会回复原状。Rubber tubing can perish after a few years.橡胶管子几年后会老化。It is hoped that the oil slick will sink to the seabed where it would be covered within a few years by sediments and eventually decompose.人们希望浮油会沉到海底,并且在数年内被沉积物覆盖,最终分解。Claire modelled for a few years when she was in her twenties.克莱尔在二十几岁时做过几年模特儿。This hotel was bombed a few years ago.这家旅馆几年前被炸毁了。He made his first try for the brass ring when he ran for mayor a few years ago.几年前他为把握成功机遇进行了首次尝试,参加了市长竞选。The current economic situation is a mirror image of the situation just a few years ago.目前的经济形势完全是几年前情况的翻版。We've been batting the idea around for a few years.这个想法我们已经考虑好几年了。




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