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词汇 生长
例句 Keeping the young plants in a greenhouse will help bring them on.把幼苗放在温室里可以促进它们生长Garlic is a plant that grows wherever there is a warm climate.大蒜是一种能在任何气候温暖的地方生长的植物。Plants won't grow in a soil that contains too much lime.植物在石灰含量太高的土壤中不能生长No trees will grow at that altitude.在那一海拔高度上没有树木能生长Repeated application of fertilizer will help the grass become green and healthy.多次施肥有助于草坪颜色变绿,生长良好。The pond can support many aquatic plants.这个池塘能维持许多水生植物的生长Warm weather and showers hastened the growth of the plants.温暖的天气和阵雨加速了植物的生长Antioxidant compounds in tea can help to inhibit the growth of tumours.茶叶中的抗氧化复合物有助于抑制肿瘤的生长The flowers grow wild in the mountains.这些花在山野里生长All grasses need light to grow well.所有的草都需要光照才能生长得好。Hardy mosses sometimes pioneer on uncolonized rock surfaces.耐寒的苔藓常能在尚未生长植物的岩石表面首先生长A harsh climate stunted the trees.严酷的气候妨碍树木的生长This plant likes a dryish soil in full sun.这种植物适宜在土质略干、日照充足的地方生长Harmless cysts may occur in the epididymis.附睾中可能生长良性胞囊。Pinch out the tips of bushy herbs like basil to encourage the plants to thicken out.修剪罗勒等灌木药材使其生长得更加茂盛。It grows perennially on river banks.它常年生长于河岸。Worm casts look unsightly and provide a seed bed for weeds.蚯蚓粪不雅观,但为杂草提供生长的苗床。Lizards live mostly in warm climates.蜥蜴主要生长在气候温暖的地方。Snakes molt as they grow, shedding the old skin and growing a larger new skin.蛇在生长过程中会蜕皮,它们蜕去老皮,并长出更大的新皮。They stunt plant growth and reduce yields.它们阻碍植物的生长,降低产量。Certain plants are prolific colonizers.某些植物移植生长繁茂。Carrots grow well in light soils.胡萝卜在松软的土壤里生长良好。These trees grow only in the jungle.这些树只能在丛林里生长These shrubs must have an acid, lime-free soil.这些灌木必须生长在不含石灰的酸性土壤环境。Moss can grow on bare rock.苔藓可以在裸岩上生长Debris causes the water to cloud and encourages bacteria and algae growth.垃圾使水变浑,促进了细菌和藻类的生长Our photograph shows how the plants will turn out.我们的照片展示了植物的生长状况。All varieties are evergreen and all are good growers.所有品种都是常绿的,而且都是容易生长的植物。Suspended between each growing blade is a thread of gossamer.每片正在生长的叶子之间都悬挂着一条蛛丝。Tomatoes grow best in direct sunlight.西红柿在直接日照下生长得最好。These trees only grow in humid climates.这些树只在气候湿润的地区生长Fluky weather conditions will set back the progress of a newly introduced strain of wheat.变化多端的天气情况会有碍新引进品种小麦的生长Ivy creeps along the fence.常春藤攀著篱笆生长They use special chemicals to accelerate the growth of crops.他们使用特殊的化学品来刺激农作物生长Feed the plants to encourage new growth.要给植物施肥,促进新的生长Damp conditions encourage the growth of the fungus.潮湿的环境会促进真菌的生长Many theories purport to explain growth in terms of a single cause.许多理论都意在以单一原因解释生长Vines grow on the south-facing slopes.葡萄生长在朝南的山坡上。Wheat is grown in places which have cold winters and warm, dry summers.小麦适宜在冬季寒冷而夏季温暖干燥的地方生长Give the plants a good pruning to encourage growth.适当剪枝以促进植物的生长




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