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词汇 proposals
例句 The chairman's proposals are usually passed on the nod.主席的提议通常是无需讨论就一致通过的。The Senate Finance Committee chopped almost all of the President's tax proposals.参议院的财政委员会把总统的税务建议几乎全砍光了。The proposals include increasing the tax on petrol.提议包括提高汽油税。The proposals were greeted with a mixture of skepticism and distrust.对这些提议的反应是怀疑夹着不信任。Both these proposals were resisted by the developed countries, most vocally by the United States.这两项提议都遭到了发达国家的抵制,其中美国的意见最为强烈。These proposals have to this day not met with any response from them.他们至今还没有对这些提议作出反应。They all said the proposals were unworkable and amounted to censorship.他们都说提议不切实际而且近似于审查。At the end of the article, Kohn gives a recap of the proposals.科恩在文章的最后简要地概述了提议的内容。The British government introduced a watered-down version of the proposals.英国政府针对这些提议提出了另一较缓和的版本。The proposals were unpopular and were only accepted in a modified form.这些建议不受欢迎,修改之后才得以接受。I encourage everyone to get behind these proposals. 我鼓励大家都来支持这些提议。Her proposals were welcomed by most people, with only mild criticism from a few of her opponents.她的提议广受欢迎,只有少数对手提出了温和的批评。The government's proposals have been strongly criticized by the trade unions.政府的提案遭到了工会的强烈批评。The meeting adjourned with several proposals unpresented.会议休会,有几项提案尚未提出。Foreign ministers sparred over new defence proposals.外交部长们就新的防御提案进行辩论。The proposals are contained in a European directive on wild birds.这些建议纳入了欧洲关于野生鸟类的指导政策中。The proposals were given in outline by the Secretary of State.国务卿对提议进行了简要的概述。The government has come under attack from opposition leaders over proposals to cut health spending.政府削减医疗开支的建议遭到了反对党领导人的攻击。The proposals were short on detail.这些提议细节不足。Following an informal discussion, Chris decided to put her proposals in writing.在一次非正式的讨论之后,克丽丝决定把她的建议写下来。Their proposals are broadly in line with the government's ideas.他们的提议与政府的意见大体上一致。The government's proposals have been met with a growing chorus of disapproval.政府的提案遇到越来越多反对的呼声。Their proposals have no proven scientific basis.他们的提议没有确凿的科学根据。Would you care to elaborate on your proposals?请你详细说明一下你的那些建议好吗?I won't comment till I've had time to study the proposals.我在抽时间研究这些提议之前不会发表任何评论。Each of the proposals deserves careful examination.每一项建议都值得仔细斟酌。France launched a bitter attack on EU proposals to reduce farm subsidies.法国对欧盟削减农业补贴的方案提出强烈批评。The government outlined a new set of proposals on human rights.政府简要列出了一套新的人权提案。The President has a raft of new proposals for dealing with inner city decay.总统提出了许多新的建议来解决旧城区衰败的问题。Have you got any concrete proposals?你有没有具体的建议呢? He's mulling over the proposals before making any changes.作变动之前他在反复考虑这些建议。In my submission, these proposals are completely unworkable.依我之见,这些提议根本是不可行的。The committee's latest proposals are still under examination.委员会最新的建议仍在审查之中。Senator Newbolt has been trying to muster support for his proposals.纽博尔特参议员一直在努力争取人们支持他的提议。The union refused to support proposals that it saw as contrary to the interests of its members.工会对于那些会违背会员利益的提议拒不支持。The committee is still considering the merits of the new proposals.委员会仍在考虑这些新提议的优点。He refused to comment on the proposals.他拒绝对这些建议发表意见。The committee was very taken with your proposals.委员会很重视你的建议。We are only interested in the parts of the proposals that pertain to local issues.我们只对议案中涉及当地问题的部分感兴趣。His proposals will infuriate trade unions.他的提议会激怒工会。




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