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词汇 活儿
例句 The work was now complete, but for a final coat of paint.除了最后一层油漆,现在活儿都干完了。My grandfather worked in coal mines in England and Wales.我的祖父在英格兰和威尔士的煤矿干过活儿They do a third-rate job very expensively.他们收很多钱交出了三流的活儿Making pasta by hand with a rolling pin can be a real chore.用擀面杖擀意大利面会是个非常枯燥乏味的活儿It is cheaper to have extra building work done when the builder is on site.建筑工人在现场干活时让他干点额外的活儿,工钱会便宜一些。Let her do all the work for a change!换一换,让她干全部的活儿Don't expect these boots to take the punishment that gardening will give them.不要指望能穿着这种靴子去干园艺活儿,它们没那么耐磨。I'll let you off doing the washing up.我免了你洗碗碟的活儿The builder costed the job at $1,000.活儿营造商估价为一千元。Everyone should take a turn cleaning the toilets as that is the least pleasant job.大家应该轮流清洁马桶,因为那可不是什么惬意的活儿I would have done the job myself but I didn't have the proper equipment.活儿我倒是想自己做来着,只是没有合适的工具。It is impossible to get help, so she is doing everything herself.无法获得帮助,所有的活儿只好她自己干。Carpentry is a skilled trade.木工是一项技术活儿Lifting stones this size is pretty hard work.把这么大的石头抬起来是件很吃力的活儿He finished the job long before knockoff.他在下班前很久就把活儿做完了。We got a local builder to do the work for us.我们请了一位当地的建筑工为我们干这活儿Her feet hurt and her hands were rubbed raw from unaccustomed work.这种活儿她根本做不习惯,双脚疼痛,双手也蹭破了皮。The work is as good as finished.活儿就要干完了。Extra hands were set on to the job.额外的人手被指派来干这活儿You won't win any Oscars for that job.干那活儿你甭想得什么奖。He's fucked off somewhere and left me to do all the work.他滚到别的地方去了,留下我一个人干所有的活儿This is the work of a madman.这是个疯子干的活儿He had cartloads of work to do.他有一大堆的活儿要干。On a Thursday she used to do all the baking.过去每逢周四,她会把烤东西的活儿都做了。At weekends he would potter around the garden.他周末会在花园里干些零碎活儿We need to estimate how much paint we'll need for the job.我们要估计一下,干这个活儿需要多少涂料。He spent his vacation pottering around the house/garden.假期里,他在家/花园里干些轻松琐碎的活儿I've got work to do.我有活儿要干。Mum volunteered Dave for washing-up duties.妈妈擅自替戴夫揽下洗碗的活儿Don't expect these types of boot to take the punishment that gardening will give them.不要指望能穿着这类靴子去干园艺活儿,它们没那么耐穿耐磨。Cleaning up the house in the morning fell into an easy rhythm.早晨清理房子已成为一种节奏轻快的活儿了。He weaseled his way out of helping me with the yard work.他找借口推掉了帮我干院子里的活儿All that work in the yard yesterday really wore me out.昨天院子里的那些活儿真把我累坏了。Repairing watches must be a very finicky job.修表一定是个很细致的活儿Most of the work was done by apprentices.大部分活儿是由学徒们做的。Digging the garden is thirsty work.在园子里挖地是使人口渴的活儿We fooled around outdoors for a while, but then went inside to get some work done.我们在门外闲逛了一会儿,不过之后进屋干了些活儿He sits around and does nothing while I do all the work.他闲坐在那儿无所事事,而所有活儿都要我干。She paused from her incessant scrubbing and scouring.她停下了手上擦擦洗洗的活儿There's plenty of work for willing hands.勤快的人总有大量的活儿




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