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词汇 different
例句 The girls come from a variety of different backgrounds.这些女孩出身背景各异。The summit leaders recognized that different countries would need to move at different speeds.参加峰会的领导人认识到,不同的国家需要以不同的速度发展。My two horses are as different as chalk and cheese.我的两匹马迥然不同。These were problems of a completely different order from anything we had faced before.这些问题同我们以前所遇到过的完全不同。He has been transferred to a hospital in a different health district.他被转送到另一个医疗区的医院。They move in completely different circles to us.他们交往的圈子与我们完全不同。When I was doing Latin I learnt off all the different bits and pieces but I was never able to apply them.学拉丁语时,我把所有的语言点都记住了,但却从来不会用。I've tried three different ways of adding these figures and each time I get a different result.我用了三种不同的方法把这些数字相加,每次得到的答案都不同。Each problem calls for a different attack.每个问题都要有不同的解决方法。The movie's different than the original book.这部电影与原著不同。Now that we have kids, things are really different.现在我们有了孩子,情形就大不一样了。Reading and writing are two different skills.阅读和写作是两种不同的技能。Everyone's got a different opinion.每个人都有不同的观点。High-schoolers will often snub anyone they feel is different or strange.中学生常常会冷落那些他们感觉不同的或奇怪的人。Reading modern English is one thing, but understanding Shakespeare is an entirely different beast. 读懂现代英语是一码事,而要理解莎士比亚的作品则完全是另一码事。He has a passing acquaintance with a lot of different subjects.他对许多学科都知道个一鳞半爪。Some religions believe that the same spirit is reincarnated many times in different bodies.一些宗教认为同一个灵魂会多次转世到不同的肉身里。He longed in some vague way for something different.他隐约渴望着其他的东西。The new program should help solve some of the problems of data interchange between companies with different computer systems.这种新的软件应该有助于解决使用不同电脑系统的公司之间的一些数据交换问题。My dad doesn't understand me. He's on a completely different wavelength.我爸爸不理解我,他与我观点完全不同。We sell computer systems in lots of different configurations.我们出售多种配置不同的计算机系统。She was very different from the general run of American movie stars.她和一般的美国影星有很大差别。He told a glaringly different story.他的说法截然不同。I was hoping for something different, but all I got was more of the same old thing.我期盼着会有点变化,但结果却还是那老一套。The world is very different when seen through the eyes of a child.在小孩的眼里这是一个截然不同的世界。The aim is to inculcate business people with an appreciation of different cultures.目的是为了让商业人士懂得欣赏不同的文化。Guitars, pianos, and cellos are different types of string instrument.吉他、钢琴和大提琴是不同种类的弦乐器。The different strands knotted easily.不同的绳索很容易缠结在一起。Her reply was quoted out of context and seemed to mean something quite different from what she had intended.她的回答遭到断章取义的引用,看上去与她的本义大不相同。We may always have a different point of view about what happened.对发生的事情,我们也许总会有不同的看法。You'll need several pieces of string of different lengths.你需要几根长度不等的绳子。The survey studied the incidence of cancer among different occupational groups.这次调查研究了不同职业组别中的癌症发病率。The network moved my favorite TV show to a different time slot.电视台把我最喜欢的电视节目调到了另外一个时间段。He's a man of quite a different stripe.他完全是另外一种人。The conflict arose from tensions between the different ethnic groups.这次冲突是不同种族群体之间关系紧张造成的。I saw a different doctor because my regular doctor was on vacation.我看了别的医生,因为平时给我看病的医生休假了。Under her contract of employment, Mrs Lee could not be required to work at a different site.根据李女士的雇佣合同,雇主不能要求她到另一地工作。We went all around the lake enjoying the different views.我们绕着湖行走,欣赏不同的景色。The term is spelled variously in different places.这个术语在不同的地方拼写也不同。We tried the furniture in different configurations to see which fit best.我们尝试了不同的家具布局,看看哪一种最适合。




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