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词汇 differences
例句 A television camera can detect subtle differences in contrast better than the human eye.相比之下,电视摄像机比人眼能更好地发现细微的差别。There are clear differences in speed of learning between infants at this early stage.这个阶段的婴儿虽然都还很小,但在学习速度上已有了明显的差别。The unrest has roots in religious differences.动荡的根源是宗教分歧。That's where you get some differences of opinion.那就是你们的分歧所在。Over the years, we grew to like each other, despite our differences.尽管我们很不同,但是经过这些年,我们开始逐渐喜欢上了对方。The study explores the differences between the way girls and boys talk.这项研究探讨女孩和男孩不同的讲话方式。His speech served only to sharpen the differences between the two men.他的讲话结果只是让两人之间的分歧更加严重。There are one or two minor differences, but they're substantially the same text.这些文本有一两处小的差异,但它们大体上是一样的。But these are nominal differences, or differences in name.但这些区别都是名义上的不同,有名无实而已。Try and spot the differences between these two pictures.试找出这两幅图的不同之处。After a week of negotiations, the differences between the two sides are now relatively insignificant.经过一周的谈判,现在双方的分歧相对来说已经微不足道了。The two communities are learning how to resolve their differences.这两个社群正在学着如何解决彼此之间的分歧。He urged them to set aside minor differences for the sake of peace.他敦促他们为了和平抛开一些小的分歧。I was certain that love was quite enough to conquer our differences.我相信爱情足以战胜我们之间的差异。The differences in their philosophies are beyond reconciliation. 他们在人生哲学方面的分歧不可调和。There are few important policy differences among the main parties.主要政党的重要政策几乎没有差别。Let's put our differences aside and make a fresh start.让我们撇开分歧,重新开始。They finally patched up their differences.他们最终解决了分歧。He has now patched up his differences with the Minister.现在他弥合了自己和部长的分歧。To settle all these differences will take time.解决所有这些分歧需要时间。We've decided to bury our differences and start working together.我们决定摒弃分歧,开始一起工作。We are very aware of our differences, we accept that we are chalk and cheese.我们非常清楚相互之间的差异,并且承认自己是截然不同的两类人。Cultural differences between people from different countries can sometimes lead to misunderstandings.来自不同国家的人之间的文化差异有时候会造成误解。The study sheds light on the genetic differences between placental and marsupial mammals. 这一研究让人了解胎盘哺乳动物和有袋哺乳动物在基因上的差异。They divorced due to temperamental differences.他们由于性格不合离了婚。The desire for peace transcended political differences.对和平的渴望超越了政治分歧。They are filing for divorce, citing irreconcilable differences. 他们在申请离婚,理由是双方有难以调和的分歧。Despite their differences, their love will conquer.尽管他们之间有种种分歧,他们的恋爱必定会成功。He is not disappointed at the failure to make headway towards resolving their differences.他们之间的分歧依然未能解决,他对此并不感到沮丧。Such differences are secondary by comparison with the overriding similarities.与占主要地位的相似点比较起来,这些差别是次要的。Like any married couple, we have our differences.和其他所有的夫妇一样,我们之间也存在分歧。They sank their differences and joined hands in the business.他们消除了分歧,携手共进。They talked out their differences.他们通过交谈消除了分歧。They have had some minor differences, but in general they get on well together.他们之间存在一些小分歧,不过总的来说相处得还不错。There are qualitative differences in the way children and adults think.孩子和成年人的思维方式有质的不同。The differences in languages made the negotiations more difficult.语言上的差别使得这些谈判更加困难。The Senate and the Assembly put aside political differences to pass the aid package.州参众两院搁置了政治分歧,以通过有关援助的一揽子计划。He skirted round his main differences with her.他避开了和她之间的主要分歧。They tried to plaster over the differences.他们试图掩盖分歧。If anything sours the relationship, it is likely to be real differences in their world-views.如果有什么东西能够破坏这种关系的话,那可能就是他们世界观方面存在的实质性差异。




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