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词汇 differently
例句 She dares to dress differently from the others.她敢于在穿着上与众不同。We can also derive an understanding of why individuals react differently to such changes in their jobs.我们也可以理解为什么每个人对工作上的变动反应不一样。I think, if you were a woman, you might feel a mite differently.我想如果你是女人的话,也许会有略微不同的感受。There's more than one way to build a house - all builders work differently.造房子不止一种方法—每个建筑商的方法都不一样。She helped to recast her image by dressing differently.她改变了着装风格,重塑了形象。I told him it wasn't fair to treat her any differently.我跟他说,对她不是一视同仁很不公正。Rumour has the matter differently.关于这件事,谣传有另一种说法。Americans would probably react differently to the war if it was in their own back yard.战争要是发生在自己的家门口,美国人可能就会有不一样的反应。Portuguese is pronounced completely differently from Spanish.葡萄牙语和西班牙语发音完全不同。If I'd had children I might have looked at things differently.我如果有孩子,看问题的方式可能就会有所不同。The Englishman is quick to observe that Canadians talk differently from himself.英国人敏感地发现加拿大人说话同自己不一样。Donkeys' hoofs are shaped differently from horses'.驴蹄子和马蹄子形状不同。Each person reacts to their environment differently.每个人对环境的反应是不同的。If I had written the letter, I might have worded it differently.如果换作我写这封信,我或许会用不同的措辞。I might have worded the letter differently.我本来可以用不一样的措辞写这封信的。Risks are perceived differently by different people.不同的人对风险有不同的感觉。It's the same sentiment, though worded rather differently.还是同样的观点,只是措辞稍有不同。Keep driving at a constant speed until I tell you differently.保持恒速行驶,直到我另有吩咐。She began to act and dress differently.她的行为和着装都开始变样了。Very soon you will know differently.你很快就会知道情况不是这样。Words written alike are often pronounced differently.拼写相同的词发音常常不同。The next hearings will be structured differently in order to minimize the inquisitorial atmosphere.下次听证会将以不同的方式进行,以尽可能淡化审判似的气氛。I would have phrased it quite differently.我本可以把它表述得全然不同。It is important to remember that each person reacts differently.重要的是要记住每个人的反应不同。I think I'd go about it quite differently.我想我会以非常不同的方式来着手做这件事。Parents still tend to treat boys differently from girls.父母仍然倾向于以不同的态度对待男孩和女孩。Every actor interprets the role of Hamlet a little differently.每位演员对哈姆雷特这一角色的演绎都略有不同。Things could have turned out quite differently.事情的结果可能会完全不一样。Everyone's body metabolizes sugars differently.人体代谢糖分的方式各不相同。Different people cope differently with failure.不同的人面对失败有不同的处理方式。Could we word the headline differently?我们能换种方式表述这个标题吗?As we age the lenses of the eyes thicken, and thus refract light differently.随着我们年龄的增长,眼睛的晶状体变厚,因此对光线的折射也会发生变化。I think if you were a woman you might feel a mite differently.我想如果你是女人的话,也许会感到些许不同。If only I could travel back in time and do things differently.要是我可以回到过去换一种方式处理这些事情该有多好!They still get treated differently from almost every other contemporary British band.他们所得到的待遇仍然与当代几乎所有其他英国乐队都不同。The determinist and the libertarian consider or ponder reality differently.决定论者和自由意志者对现实的思考是不同的。They get treated differently from every other British band.他们受到的待遇与其他英国乐队不同。The two words sound the same, but they're spelled differently.这两个词听上去一样,但拼法却不同。If you want to be politically correct, call him differently-abled, not disabled.如果你想政治上正确,那就称他所能不同,而不是残疾人。Two students were penalized very differently for the same offence.两名学生犯了同样的过错,受到的处罚却很不相同。




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