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词汇 differentiate
例句 He can't differentiate between red and green.他分不清红和绿。We've been learning how to differentiate between different types of plants.我们一直在学习如何区分不同种类的植物。Part of the management course was teaching us how to differentiate essential tasks from less important ones.管理课中有一部分内容是教我们如何将重要任务与较不重要的任务加以区别。It's important to differentiate truth from fiction.分清真相与谎言是很重要的。A child may not differentiate between his imagination and the real world.儿童可能无法将自己的幻想与真实世界区分开来。It's important to differentiate between fact and opinion.把事实和观点加以区别很重要。It is wrong to differentiate between pupils according to their family background.按家庭出身区别对待学生的做法是错误的。Children don't differentiate between imagination and reality.儿童无法将幻想与现实区分开来。She does not differentiate between her two children although one is adopted.她对两个孩子一视同仁,尽管其中一个是领养的。Species differentiate as they evolve.物种在进化的过程中会发生分化。A botanist can differentiate varieties of plants.植物学家能鉴别各种各样的植物。A baby cannot differentiate one person from another.婴儿不会认人。As journalists, we have to differentiate between facts and opinions.作为记者,我们必须区分事实和观点之间的不同。At this age your baby cannot differentiate one person from another.这个年龄的婴儿还不能认人。He is no longer able to differentiate between fantasy and reality.他无法再区分幻想和现实。It's sometimes hard to differentiate one action movie from all the others.有时候要把一部动作片和其他动作片区分开来很困难。Learning to differentiate the two realities is difficult.学会区分这两种实际情况很难。It is not always possible to differentiate between the two diseases.这两种疾病并不是总能区分开来。It's sometimes hard to differentiate one sample from another.有时候很难把样品一个个区分开来。Its unusual nesting habits differentiate this bird from others.这种鸟独特的筑巢习惯使它不同于其他的鸟。




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