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词汇 沿河
例句 Restarting the engine, we motored downriver.我们重新启动马达,沿河而下。They were sailing down the river on a barge.他们正乘驳船沿河行驶。The low grounds along the river are annually flowed.沿河的低洼地每年都要受淹。The company has bought up the old factories along the river and will convert them into apartments.这家公司将沿河一带的旧工厂全部收购了,打算将它们改造成公寓。We were sailing up the river.我们正沿河逆流航行。The birds build their nests in reed beds along the river bank.鸟儿把巢筑在沿河的芦苇丛里。They disposed troops along the river.他们沿河布置了军队。The population is concentrated along the river banks.人口集中在沿河两岸。The wall was built along the river in case of floods.沿河筑了防护墙以防洪水。A number of villages and cities grew up along the river.沿河建起了很多村落和城市。The city wanted to encourage commercial rather than residential development along the river. 城市鼓励在沿河地区进行商业开发,而不是搞住宅建设。The tour includes boat trips up the river.这次旅游包括乘船沿河而上。Several villages along the course of the river were flooded.沿河的几个村子都被洪水淹了。We sailed serenely down the river.我们静静地沿河航行。Our forces are dug in along the river.我们的部队已沿河挖好掩体隐蔽了起来。There's a bridge three miles down the river. 沿河而下三英里处有一座桥。John took me down the river in the old boat.约翰用这条老旧小船带我沿河而下。We walked up the river to its source in the hills.我们沿河上溯而行,一直走到其在山中的源头。We have banked up the river to prevent flooding.我们已沿河筑堤以防河水泛滥。The alternative route takes you along the river.另外的一条路线是沿河走的。There are lots of charming little restaurants along the river.沿河有许多可爱的小餐馆。We slowly made our way down the river.我们慢慢地沿河而下。We walked a little along the river.我们沿河走了不远。They are building up defences along the river.他们正在加固沿河的防御工事。The village was just a scattering of houses along the river.那个村子只不过是一些沿河散布的房子而已。They floated down the river.他们沿河向下游漂去。The houses down by the river flood quite regularly.沿河的房屋常遭水淹。The location of the town along the river is magnificent.该镇沿河地区景色美丽。The environmental people are against the town's plan to build more houses along the river.环境保护者反对镇上沿河修建更多房屋的计划。He sailed the dinghy up the river.他驾驶着小游艇沿河逆流而上。We steamed up the river. 我们坐汽船沿河上行。There are large tracts of vacant land near the river, which could be used for farming.沿河有大片大片的空地,可以用来耕种。Some ducks took off and flew along the river.一些鸭子腾空而起,沿河飞翔。An industrial zone extends along the river.沿河是一片工业区。The river snakes through the valley.河川沿河谷蜿蜒。




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