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例句 He sugared the rims of the martini glasses.他在盛马提尼的酒杯杯沿上缀以糖粒。She hit her elbow on the edge of the table.她的胳膊肘猛地碰到了桌沿上She lifted her cup and looked at us over the brim.她端起杯子,从杯沿上看我们。Daniel stepped in front of her desk and sat down on its edge.丹尼尔走到她的桌前,坐在桌沿上She was perched on the edge of the sofa.她坐在沙发沿上I hit my funny bone on the edge of the table.我胳膊的麻筋撞到了桌沿上Her lipstick left a red mark on the rim of the cup.她的口红在杯沿上留下了一个红色的印记。




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