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词汇 一片
例句 A wave of colour swept the girl's face.姑娘的脸上泛起一片红晕。There was an air of festivity in the village.村里一片欢庆气氛。Break a leaf off the bush, rub it between your fingers, and smell the lemony scent.从灌木中摘一片叶子用手指捻搓,就能嗅到柠檬香。The pier is always bustling with people.码头上总是人来人往,一片繁忙。The cat managed to find a spot to sleep amid all the clutter of my study.猫儿设法在我一片凌乱的书房中找了个地方睡觉。It is a soulless concrete jungle of a place.这是一片了无生气的水泥丛林。He is a successful student with a bright future.他是一位学有所成的学生,前途一片光明。They announced, amid much ballyhoo, that they had made a breakthrough.一片喧嚣声中,他们宣称取得了突破。By the time help arrived, the fire had grown to a raging inferno.救援人员赶到时,火势已经发展成一片烈焰冲天的火海。I prowled around a farmer's field admiring the bridge.我在一片农田里流连徘徊,对那座桥赞赏不已。The whole place was in a blaze.整个地方成了一片火海。Heat a couple of tablespoons of olive oil, a chopped clove of garlic and some black pepper in a heavy saucepan.将几勺橄榄油、一片切碎的蒜瓣和一些黑胡椒粉放入深平底锅里加热。Mornings are usually quiet and peaceful in Hueytown.胡伊镇的早晨通常一片静谧祥和。Within minutes the whole house was ablaze.几分钟内,整座房子就成了一片火海。The storm was succeeded by calm.暴风雨后一片宁静。When the teacher was absent, there was anarchy in the classroom.老师不在时,教室里乱成一片Mrs. Madrigal buttered another piece of toast.马德里加尔夫人给另一片烤面包涂上了黄油。A waft of smoke engulfed her.她淹没在一片烟雾里。There is a clump of bushes/trees at the edge of the field.田边有一片灌木丛/树丛。At sunrise, they surveyed the vast panorama of snow-covered hills and mountains.日出的时候,他们看到了一片群山连绵、白雪皑皑的壮阔景象。The room was loud with the chatter of talk.房间里一片嘈杂的说话声。Suddenly the path seemed to melt and the trees burst into globes of flame.小路似乎突然消失了,树木也都变成一片火海。After the fire the factory was completely burned out.火灾后工厂成为一片废墟。You may scoff but I honestly feel I'm being cruel only to be kind.你可能不以为然,但我真的认为我狠下心来只是出于一片好意。The audience jeered.观众发出一片嘲笑声。He took a sleeping tablet and felt logy the next morning.他吃了一片安眠药,次日早晨感到倦怠无力。The bill whooped through both houses.该议案在两院的一片喧闹声中获得匆匆通过。The Sahara is a vast expanse of desert.撒哈拉是一片广袤无垠的沙漠。He popped a piece of gum into his mouth.他把一片口香糖丢进嘴里。Amid a public furor, the senator continues to deny the allegations.尽管公众一片愤怒,这位参议员仍旧否认指控。From a height, the area looks like a desert.从高处看,这个地方就像一片沙漠。The car was dumped in a stretch of wasteland in the south of the city.那辆汽车被遗弃在该市南部的一片荒地里。The beach was golden towards sundown.太阳快落山时海滩一片金黄色。Won't you slice me a doorstep, please?请你给我切一片厚面包好吗?There was a shocked silence as he spoke.他说话时周围一片错愕的缄默。Intense heat had created a completely barren landscape, almost like the moon.酷热造成了一片不毛之地,几乎就像月球上一样。Further digging disclosed another area of medieval tiles.再往前挖,又一片铺有中世纪砖瓦的区域出现在眼前。The path leads eventually to a vast expanse of unspoilt woodland.这条小路最终通向一片广袤的原始林地。He is trying to carve out a new role for himself.他正试图为自己开创一片新天地。The room was filled with the sound of laughter.屋子里笑声一片




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