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词汇 毒打
例句 The court heard that he had battered his wife to death.法庭审理了他将妻子毒打至死的案件。He was savagely attacked and beaten.他遭到了野蛮的袭击和毒打A tearful husband repeated calls for help in catching the fiend who battered his wife.泪流满面的丈夫不断呼喊求助,想抓住毒打他妻子的恶棍。His stepfather used to beat him with an iron bar.他的继父过去常用铁条毒打他。The beating came and went in waves.毒打一阵阵地时作时辍。 The boys witnessed their father battering their mother.男孩们亲眼目睹父亲毒打母亲。He threatened to beat her up.他威胁要毒打她。The thugs gave him a thorough going-over.暴徒们把他毒打了一顿。He was beaten badly/savagely/brutally.他被人毒打了一顿。I shall always carry with me the memory of that child's tortured face.那个遭受毒打摧残的孩子面容将永远留在我的记忆之中。A karate expert battered a man to death.一位空手道高手将一名男子毒打致死。He was beaten so badly that his brother didn't recognize him.他遭到毒打,连他哥哥都认不出他了。He closed the door behind him, leaving her cruelly defenceless against his bitter attack.他关上门,任由她对他的毒打毫无反抗能力,十分残酷。One prisoner claimed he'd been dragged to a cell, stripped and beaten.一名犯人声称他曾被拖进一间牢房,全身被扒光并遭到毒打When we tried to protest that Mo was beaten up they didn't believe us.我们试图申明莫遭到了毒打,他们却不相信我们。Some tearaway beat up an old lady.有个流氓毒打了一个老太太。Stories of abused and battered children are shockingly familiar.令人愤怒的是,关于受虐儿童和遭毒打儿童的报道极为常见。The woman was cruelly knocked about by her husband.那女人受到她丈夫的毒打He was done over by a gang of kids.他遭到一帮年轻人的毒打He had been badly beaten and left for dead.他受到毒打并被撇下不管。The prisoners were so cruelly beaten that some even died in captivity.囚犯们遭到了毒打,有的甚至死在牢狱之中。The military police gave her a ferocious going-over.军警毒打了她。The poor man received a savage beating from the thugs.那可怜的人被暴徒们毒打了一顿。He got done over by the bad guys.他遭到坏家伙们的毒打




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