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词汇 枪支管制
例句 France has tight gun-control laws for handguns, but not for hunting rifles.法国针对手枪有严格的枪支管制法规,但并不限制猎枪。He's been promising voters that he'll support gun control, now it's time to fish or cut bait.他一直向选民许诺他会支持枪支管制,现在是下定决心的时候了。The administration is showing a willingness to cut a deal with Congress on gun-control legislation.政府表示愿意与国会就枪支管制立法问题达成协议。The gun control issue continues to be the subject of heated debate.枪支管制问题依然是个引起激烈辩论的话题。!He criticized his opponent for not taking a position on gun control.他批评对手在枪支管制上未表明立场。He is a leading proponent of gun control.他是枪支管制的主要支持者。The Supreme Court's latest decision has only clouded the issue of gun control.最高法院的最新裁决反而使枪支管制问题更为复杂。The House of Representatives passed a new gun-control bill.众议院通过了一个新的枪支管制法案。He is a social conservative and an opponent of gun control.他是一个社会保守主义者,反对枪支管制Huntley refused to endorse any candidate who did not share his views on gun control.亨特利拒绝支持任何在枪支管制问题上和他意见有分歧的候选人。Responding to public opinion, the government introduced new controls on guns.政府顺应民意,推行了新的枪支管制措施。The administration seems to have done a complete about-face on gun-control.政府对枪支管制的态度似乎来了个一百八十度大转变。Senator Thompson remains totally opposed to any form of gun control.汤普森参议员依然极力反对任何形式的枪支管制




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