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词汇 department store
例句 His father worked up a department store.他父亲精心兴办了一家百货店。Some middle school students are window-shopping outside the department store.一些中学生在百货商店外面看橱窗。This new department store offers a large variety of goods for sale.这家新百货公司出售品种繁多的商品。You would have to spend two times as much at a regular department store.你得花相当于在普通百货商场两倍的钱。The department store is well operated.那家百货公司经营得法。That department store has a lot of trade.那家百货公司顾客很多。She counted herself lucky to get a job in the department store.能在一家百货公司找到工作,她觉得自己已经很幸运了。He got a job demonstrating kitchen equipment in a department store.他找到一份在百货店演示厨房设备的工作。The department store has branches in all major capitals.这家百货公司在各大都市都设有分店。The children were fascinated by the toys in the big department store.孩子们被大商场里的玩具迷住了。The department store was a beehive of shoppers.百货商店里乱哄哄地挤满了顾客。I browsed through the department store.我在百货商店里随意看看。One of the advantages of a department store is that you are left to yourself to try things on.逛百货公司的其中一个优势是顾客可自行试穿衣服。He turned down the offer of a concession in a major department store.他拒绝了在一家大百货公司内经营出租柜台的提议。The two men planted the bomb outside Harrods department store in London.这两名男子在伦敦哈洛德百货商店外放置了炸弹。Police said the thieves were obviously well acquainted with the alarm system at the department store.警方称,盗贼显然对百货商店的报警系统了如指掌。The department store delivers free of charge.这家百货商店免费送货。This is the biggest department store in the city - you name it, and they've got it.这是这座城市里最大的百货公司;你要什么就有什么。We bought it in a second-rate department store.我们在一家二流的百货店买下它的。Posters were emblazoned on the walls of the department store.百货商店的墙壁上贴满了五彩缤纷的广告画。The department store is opening up a new branch in the town.那家百货公司准备在城里开设一家新的分店。Her latest escapade was to camp outside a department store on the night before the sale.她最近的一个恶作剧是在一家百货商店大减价的前一晚搭帐篷睡在店外。I found her looking in the window of a department store.我发现她正盯着一家百货商店的橱窗。The department store had some shirts it had carried over from last year.这家百货商店存有一些去年留下的衬衣。This greased the decline in department store sales.这促使百货商店销售量下降。Hilary bought her wedding dress off-the-peg at a department store.希拉里在百货公司买了现成的新娘礼服。In a department store when a gift voucher is exchanged it's stamped with the details of the store to cancel it.在百货公司里,凡是已经兑换的礼券都会在上面盖上将其注销的商店的详细信息。It's a popular department store patronized by many people. 这是一家颇受欢迎的商场,有很多老顾客光顾。Off he goes, mincing across the department store.他离开了,一路扭扭捏捏地穿过百货商店。The department store carries a variety of leather shoes.这家百货商店经售各种皮鞋。She demonstrated a new car to customers in the department store.她在百货公司向顾客示范驾驶一辆新汽车。He crooked a necklace from that department store.他从那家百货商店里偷到一条项链。




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