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词汇 depend on
例句 You may depend on the accuracy of the report.你可以信赖报告的准确性。The meaning of a sentence often depends on stress and intonation.句子的意思常常取决于重音和语调。Whether or not you qualify for a loan will depend on your financial circumstances.你是否有资格获得贷款将取决于你的经济状况。I'm probably going - it depends on the weather.我很可能会去——这要看天气怎么样。That depends on how you tackle the problem.那取决于你如何处理这个问题。These charities depend on the compassionate feelings and generosity of the general public.这些慈善机构的运营依靠的是公众的同情心和慷慨捐助。His humour depended on contempt for others.他的幽默基于对别人的蔑视。The treatment depends on the sex and age of the patient.治疗方案依病人的性别和年龄而定。The cut-off point depends on age and length of employment.录用标准取决于年龄和工作年限。The reliability of the results depends on the size of the sample.结果的可信度取决于抽样的规模大小。I wasn't worried: I knew I could depend on you.我不担心:我知道我可以信任你。He was growing to depend on her, he knew that.他越来越依赖她,他是知道这一点的。In the last resort, much depends on how well you have argued your case.最后,很大一部分要取决于你对案件的申辩情况。Charities depend on people supporting their activities.慈善机构依靠民众支持他们的活动。Doctors depend on accurate diagnostic tools.医生依靠精确的诊断工具。It all depends on how that football team shapes after Christmas.这全取决于圣诞节后那个足球队踢得如何。The farmers depend on a casual labour / labor supply at harvest time.农场主在收获季节需要依靠临时工。The treaty depends on the two men's ability to find common ground.这一协议取决于两个人能否达成共识。It all depends on your definition of art.这完全取决于你对艺术的定义。The stopping distance depends on several factors, including the road surface and the driver's reflexes.制动距离取决于几个因素,包括路面性质和开车人的反应能力。The way children talk about or express their feelings depends on their age and stage of development.儿童谈论或表达自己感情的方式取决于他们的年龄和所处的发育阶段。Is he a hero or a villain? That depends on how you look at it.他是英雄还是坏蛋? 这全看你怎么看问题了。TV cameras are sometimes allowed in the courts, but it depends on the circumstances.法庭上有时允许电视摄像,但视情形而定。You can depend on him to make a sound choice.你可以依靠他作出正确的选择。It depends on how the conference votes.这取决于与会者如何投票。Pragmatically, MTV's survival depends on selling the youth market to advertisers.从务实角度来说,音乐电视网的生存依赖于把年轻人市场卖给广告商。The quality of public health care depends on the amount of money allocated to it.公共卫生保健水平取决于划拨的钱款额度。I can always depend on it to rain on days when I forget my umbrella.我敢肯定,要是哪天我忘记带伞,那天准保下雨。Your choice depends on whether you are in a telic or paratelic state.你的选择在于你是否有所图。The composition of the group that is studied depends on the interests of the researcher.作为研究对象的小组,其组成由研究者的兴趣而定。How successful you are depends on how badly you want to succeed.你能取得多大的成功取决于你对成功的企盼程度。The real plum of substantial foreign exchange earnings depends on everything coming up trumps.要把巨额外汇真正拿到手有赖于事事都顺畅如意。Success in business depends on hard work, determination, and good ideas.生意上的成功靠的是辛勤的付出、坚定的决心和好的主意。Democracy depends on a system of checks and balances.民主的实行依赖于相互制衡的制度。The amount of tax you have to pay depends on your income.交多少税要看你收入是多少。The value of the furniture depends on its condition and age.家具的价值取决于它的状况和年头。The outcome will depend on a number of factors.结果将取决于若干因素。Your enjoyment of the movie depends on being able to overlook the terrible acting.能否欣赏这部电影,取决于能否忽略糟糕的演技。Cooking time depends on the thickness of the steak.烹饪时间要视牛排的厚度而定。The future will depend on our willingness to conserve energy now.未来将取决于我们现在是否愿意保护能源。




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