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词汇 depending
例句 Matters of greatest moment were depending.至关重要的问题尚待解决。Hopefully, Max would be able to spend a few days with them, depending on his heavy schedule.希望马克斯能从满档的日程中抽出时间和他们一起呆上几天。You should get promoted after about a year, depending on how you're doing.大约一年后你应该可以得到提升,这得看你表现如何。The writing can be scaled to any size, depending on the paper.文字可缩放到任何尺寸,视纸张的大小而定。We're depending on him finishing the job by Friday.我们指望他在星期五前完成这项工作。End off with an iced drink or hot cocoa or hot cider depending on the season.最后是来一杯冰镇饮料、热可可还是热苹果汁,要根据季节决定。The manner in which young children are spoken to varies depending on who is present.对小孩子说话的方式视在场的人不同而有所变化。Grants are available depending on your circumstances.视经济状况,符合条件可获得助学金。I am depending on you to tell me what he wants.我指望你告诉我他想要什么。I tend to have a different answer, depending on the family.根据家庭的不同,我往往会给出不同的答案。He's either a hero or a villain, depending on your point of view.他要么是英雄,要么是恶棍,这取决于你如何看了。The hardness of limestone varies depending on the area in which it is found.石灰岩的硬度因产地而异。I kept getting different answers depending on who I asked.我一直得到不同的答案,这视乎我向谁提问。I'm depending on you for moral support.我指望能从你那儿得到道义上的支持。Inflation goes up and down depending on the state of the economy.通货膨胀随着经济状况的变化而起伏不定。Ticket prices to New York vary, depending on the time of year.一年中,时间不同,去纽约的票价也不一样。The expenses you claim can vary enormously, depending on travel distances involved.申领的费用可能相差很大,要看旅程的长短而定。I'm depending on you to tell me everything.我指望你能告诉我所有的情况。Cooking time will vary depending on the thickness of the steak/chops.烹饪时间要视牛排/排骨的厚度而定。I use different approaches, depending on the client.我会根据客户采用不同的方法。The manner in which young children are spoken to varies depending on who is present.对孩子们说话的方式随在场的人是谁而变化。All beings are probably produced by a similar mode of generation, depending on the concourse of the two sexes.所有生物很可能都以相似的方式繁育,都依赖于两性的交合。Interest in the story seems to wax and wane depending on other news.人们对这一报道曾经颇有兴趣,随着其他新闻的出现,现在已热情不再。We are depending on you to take on this important assignment.我们指望着你来承担这项重要任务。Nora grew accustomed to depending on her husband.诺拉变得习惯于依赖丈夫。People experience differences in physical and mental capability depending on the time of day.人们会感受到在一天的不同时段,体力和脑力也会有所不同。The treatment regime may vary widely depending on the type of injury.因受伤类型不同治疗方法可能有很大的区别。The word can have completely different meanings depending on the context.根据上下文,这个词可以有完全不同的含义。You can call it brave or foolish, depending on your perspective.你可以称之为勇敢,亦可以称之为愚蠢,取决于你看问题的角度。Fees vary depending on geographic location.费用因地理位置不同而不同。People in the rest of the country celebrated independence even later, depending on when the news of Congress's action reached them.该国其他地区的人们庆祝独立的时间甚至更晚,这要取决于有关国会决定的消息何时传到了他们那里。He listens to rock or classical music, depending on his mood.他要么听摇滚乐,要么听古典乐,视心情而定。The price varies, depending on whether you book by telephone or over the Internet.根据你是通过电话还是网络预定,价格会不一样。Hospitals are increasingly depending on charity for vital equipment.医院越来越依赖捐款购买重要设备。Prices vary depending on the area you choose.价格根据你选择的地区而有所不同。Their services vary depending on the customer.他们的服务因顾客的要求而有所不同。Costs are likely to vary depending on where you live.费用很有可能随居住地的不同而变化。It typically takes a day or two, depending on size.一般需要一到两天,取决于其规模。We have conditional acceptance, depending on our good behaviour.我们被接纳是有条件的,前提是我们需要举止得当。




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