例句 |
Karen appeared oblivious to the uproar.卡伦好像毫未察觉到喧闹声。I get so absorbed in doing something that I am unaware of things happening round me.我做事太过专心以致于对周围发生的事情丝毫未察觉。He seemed oblivious to the fact that his wife was on the edge of a nervous breakdown.他妻子到了精神崩溃的边缘,对此他似乎一点儿都未察觉。They were unaware that they were being watched.他们未察觉到自己正受到监视。They were insensible of the danger ahead.他们未察觉到即将到来的危险。Tony didn't notice because he was too engrossed in his work.托尼因为太专注于自己的工作而毫未察觉。 |