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词汇 demonstrating
例句 Tom believes that actions speak louder than words and has been demonstrating his love for Jean through taking her dog to the vet.汤姆认为行动比语言更有说服力,一直带琼的狗去看兽医,以此来表现对琼的爱。They'll be demonstrating how to handle modern, high performance cars.他们将要演示如何操控现代化的高性能汽车。Several people will be demonstrating traditional farming techniques.几个人将演示传统的农耕技术。By demonstrating his floating contraption - part surfboard, part kayak and part sailboard - Halfon hopes to create a tide of attention.通过展示那个又像冲浪板,又像轻型独木舟,又像帆板的浮水的怪物,哈尔丰期望能引来众人的目光。He was forced to entrust an assistant with the important task of testing and demonstrating aircraft to prospective customers.他不得不将向潜在客户测试和展示飞行器的重任交托给一名助手。A large crowd was demonstrating downtown.一大群人在市中心举行示威游行。Protestors were demonstrating on a nightly basis in Belgrade.抗议者每晚都在贝尔格莱德示威游行。Women were demonstrating for equal rights.妇女游行,要求平等权利。Women all over the world have been demonstrating to show their solidarity.世界各地的妇女都出来游行示威以示团结。Campaigners were demonstrating against the slaughter of dolphins.活动人士示威抗议宰杀海豚。Try to round off your answer by demonstrating how your old job has prepared you to do the job you are applying for.尽量以证明前一份工作如何为现在申请的工作作好准备来结束回答。The government is demonstrating utter stupidity in pursuing such a policy.政府执行此项政策愚蠢透顶。She has been demonstrating how to make bread.她一直在示范如何做面包。Protesters found a novel way of demonstrating against steeply rising oil prices.抗议者找到了抗议油价飞涨的新办法。The ski instructor began by demonstrating the correct way to turn.滑雪教练一开始就演示如何正确转向。He got a job demonstrating kitchen equipment in a department store.他找到一份在百货店演示厨房设备的工作。Would you mind demonstrating how the machine works?您能演示一下这台机器是如何运作的吗?Gay activists were demonstrating outside the cinema.同性恋权利积极分子在电影院外示威。Riot police fought with militants demonstrating in support of the uprising.防暴警察与示威支持造反的好战分子对抗。You couldn't turn on television without seeing a woman demonstrating lipstick.你一开电视准会看到一个女人在示范涂唇膏。In the cities vast crowds have been demonstrating for change.在城市里,大批的人群举行示威游行,要求进行变革。Violent scuffles broke out between rival groups demonstrating for and against independence.支持和反对独立的两支游行队伍间爆发了激烈的冲突。The virtual tour includes multimedia displays demonstrating how the market works.虚拟旅行包括展现市场运作的多媒体展示。A sales assistant was demonstrating several kitchen gadgets to a crowd of shoppers.一名销售员正向一群顾客展示几种厨房小器具。




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