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词汇 demonstration
例句 He led a demonstration through the City.他带领示威的队伍穿过伦敦城。The demonstration provided a platform for a broad cross section of speakers.示威集会为具有广泛代表性的人士提供了发表意见的机会。The demonstration ended in a violent clash with the police.游行示威以与警察的激烈冲突而告终。Protesters marched in demonstration.抗议者游行示威。The demonstration had to be cancelled because of a technical hitch.示威游行由于技术性障碍只得取消。Would you mind giving us a demonstration so that we can see how the machine works?您能给我们演示一下这台机器是如何运作的吗?In the demonstration against wage freeze, spontaneity soon gave way to organization.在反对冻结工资的游行示威中,组织性很快取代了自发性。The military are under a cloud for killing civilians while breaking up a demonstration.军方因在平息示威活动时杀死了无辜平民而备受指责。The demonstration was a put-up job, organized by the authorities so they could arrest the cult leaders.这场示威游行是个圈套,是当局为逮捕邪教头目而组织的。Hundreds of military officers were drafted in to police the demonstration.抽调了数百名军官去维持示威游行的秩序。Rubber bullets were used to break up the demonstration.为驱散示威人群,动用了橡皮子弹。They called a demonstration to protest against proposed job cuts.他们召集了示威游行来抗议削减工作机会的提议。Police on horseback broke up the demonstration.骑警驱散了游行。The demonstration proved something of a revelation for our teachers.这次示威从某种程度上说出乎我们老师的意料。The demonstration passed off peacefully.示威活动自始至终都是以和平方式进行。The police brought the demonstration to an abrupt end.警方把示威游行一下子镇压了下去。I was given a smiling demonstration of the way to bathe a baby.人家带着笑容给我作了示范,教我怎样给婴儿洗澡。He brought along a copy of the software for demonstration.他带来了软件的备份用于演示。The police were instructed to break up the demonstration and arrest the ringleaders.警方奉命驱散示威群众,逮捕为首的人。They sent in the riot police to break up the demonstration.他们派防暴警察去驱散示威群众。During the demonstration, marshals handed over to the police a young man caught breaking shop windows.在示威游行期间,组织者将一名打破商店玻璃被当场抓获的年轻男子交给警方。They applied for a permit for a street demonstration.他们申请了上街游行的许可。A huge number of people turned up for the demonstration.参加示威游行的人极多。Some months ago angry demonstrators mounted a noisy demonstration beneath his window. His neighbours thereupon insisted upon more security.几个月前,愤怒的示威者在他的窗下发起了闹哄哄的抗议活动,随后他的邻居们坚决要求加强安全防范。We watched the demonstration from our windows.我们从窗口看示威游行。I went to a sculpture demonstration last weekend.上周末,我参观了一个雕塑展览。A planned demonstration has been called off by its organisers.原定的游行示威已被组织者取消。He felt that there were many unasked questions after his demonstration.做完演示之后,他感到还有许多问题没有被问及。The racist right wing staged their biggest demonstration yet in the main square.右翼种族主义分子派系在大广场上举行了最大规模的示威活动。One of the instructors gave/did a demonstration of how to prune a tree.一位指导者演示了如何修剪树木。A crowd comprised of the wives and children of scientists staged a demonstration.由科学家们的妻儿们组成的队伍举行了示威游行。European farmers are planning a massive demonstration against farm subsidy cuts.欧洲农场主正策划一场抗议削减农场补贴的大规模示威游行。The demonstration provided a platform for a broad cross-section of speakers.示威集会为具有广泛代表性的人士提供了发表意见的机会。There was a minor disturbance during the demonstration, but nobody was injured.示威活动中发生了一起轻微的骚乱事件,但没有人受伤。They brought some bread to share as a demonstration of goodwill.他们带来了一些面包与大家分享,以示友好。Police used tear gas to break up a demonstration.警察使用催泪瓦斯驱散示威人群。Police said it was an orderly demonstration and there were no arrests.警方说这是一次有秩序的示威游行,所以没有逮捕任何人。Not surprisingly, there was a large student contingent at the demonstration.毫不奇怪,游行队伍里有一个很大的学生代表团。His prose is everywhere a demonstration of a lucid style.他的散文处处显示出一种明晰的风格。The demonstration had been dealt with in a violent and heavy-handed way.游行示威遭到了残暴的镇压。




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