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词汇 colorful
例句 Charlie Chaplin had a long and colorful career.查理·卓别林的演艺生涯漫长而丰富多彩。He's been known to use some colorful language when he starts talking about politics.大家都知道他谈起政治总要讲点粗话。Visitors can view a rich and colorful array of aquatic plants and animals.游客们可以看到一系列各种各样、色彩斑斓的水生动植物。Stunning tropical fish swim in and out of the colorful rock formations.漂亮的热带鱼在色彩绚丽的岩石中间游进游出。Her colorful coat stood out against the dull colors of the room.她鲜艳的外套在这个颜色晦暗的房间里格外显眼。The colorful packaging of many candy bars attracts the eyes of children.很多糖果棒绚丽多彩的包装吸引着孩子们的目光。The late Bob Johnston was one of the city's most colorful, beloved characters.已故的鲍勃·约翰斯顿是该市最有趣、最受人喜爱的人物之一。There are many chapters in Wilkins’ long, colorful life, including the time he spent in prison.威尔金斯漫长而又丰富多彩的生活中有许多篇章,其中包括他在狱中度过的那一段。The peacock has colorful plumage.孔雀有色彩斑斓的羽毛。He gave a colorful account of life in Samoa.他生动地叙述了萨摩亚群岛上的生活。Casey Stengel was probably the most colorful character in baseball.凯西·施滕格尔可能是棒球界最有趣的人物。The bird's colorful feathers are used to attract a mate.鸟的鲜艳羽毛是用来吸引配偶的。People wore colorful clothes and seemed to be having a good time.人们的着装鲜艳多彩,显得十分开心。The latest in sports bras are colorful tops designed as outerwear.最新款的运动内衣是一种可外穿的彩色上装。They appliquéd their sweaters with colorful strips.他们在毛衣上缝了彩色条纹。The plant is grown for its colorful flowers.栽种这种植物是因其花朵绚丽。We saw strange, colorful creatures in the crannies of the reef while scuba diving.戴水肺潜水时我们看见了暗礁缝隙中色彩斑斓的奇妙生物。He noticed the long, slim lines of her legs beneath the colorful cotton skirt.他看到她那条色彩丰富的棉制裙子下面有一双修长的腿。He was a colorful character. 他是一个有趣的人。The colorful whirl of the dancers was beautiful to watch.舞蹈者多彩多姿的旋转令人赏心悦目。Joe was always good for a colorful quote.乔总能绘声绘色地旁征博引。I wore a colorful outfit.我穿了身颜色鲜艳的套装。The tree was decorated with colorful glass globes.树上装饰着彩色玻璃球。Bag that old gray sweater, and wear something more colorful.把那件灰色的毛衣收起来,穿件颜色鲜艳一些的。In the magazine, Cook gives a colorful account of his first meeting with Hamilton.在杂志上,库克对他与汉密尔顿的首次会面作了精彩有趣的叙述。He gave a colorful account of his travels.他绘声绘色地讲述了他的旅行经历。The garden is bursting at the seams with colorful flowers.花园中开满了五颜六色的花朵。The quilt is quite plain except for its colorful border.那条被子相当朴素,除了带一圈彩色花边。




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