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词汇 旅途
例句 It was a long trip and I was grateful for his company.旅途漫漫,我感谢有他作伴。We had quite an eventful journey.我们的旅途充满了乐趣。It was exhilarating to be on the road again and his spirits rose.重新踏上旅途令他非常振奋,兴致高涨。She was not so much nervous as impatient for the journey to be over.说她紧张,不如说她是不耐烦,希望旅途快点结束。Emile wished on the morning star for a safe voyage.爱米尔对着晨星祈祷,希望旅途平安。The journey through the mountains went well even though there were a few tense moments when the car skidded.虽然汽车几次打滑让人紧张,山中的旅途还是非常顺利。The train was rather too crowded for a comfortable journey.这趟列车上相当拥挤,旅途不太舒服。They began to chat to relieve the boredom of the flight.他们为了给无聊的旅途解闷而开始聊天。We wished her a safe and pleasant journey.我们祝她旅途平安愉快。Although the journey was a long and lonely one, Tumalo pushed on.虽然旅途漫长孤独,图马罗还是继续前行。He went on the journey along with his two friends.他与他的两个朋友一起踏上旅途Bye Sarah, have a safe journey.再见萨拉,旅途顺利。The trip loses some of its luster after you've done it several times.这段旅途走过多次后,就失去了原有的一些光彩。The journey was unacceptably long.旅途长得让人受不了。It sounds like you had a good time on your trip.听起来你旅途很愉快。The journey took longer than normal.这次旅途超过了平常所需的时间。It was a difficult trip, but we all made it home in one piece. 旅途艰难,但我们都平安地到家了。Air travelers can have stress-free trips if they follow a few simple guidelines.飞机的乘客如能遵照一些简单易行的指示做,就可享受到轻松的旅途了。Because of friends I met along the way, my journey was kept alive.我在旅途遇到了朋友,所以一路都不寂寞。The journey, though difficult, involved no real danger.旅途虽然艰难,却没有真正的危险。He wished us a safe trip.他祝我们旅途平安。Ever since the start of the journey Ahamado had remained enigmatic, silent and unforthcoming.自从踏上旅途以来,阿哈马多就一直是个谜一般的人物,他沉默寡言、守口如瓶。Some of the passengers looked kind of green around the gills after the trip!一些乘客在旅途之后脸色发青!Chances are that we'll be too zonked from the trip to go out tonight.由于我们旅途极度疲惫,今晚很可能不出去了。The journey is in two legs, with only a short stop in Bangkok.旅途分两段,只在曼谷稍作停歇。The journey was long and arduous.旅途漫长而艰苦。You'll enjoy traveling more if you read up on the history of the countries you'll be visiting.如果你事先看了大量资料了解将要去的国家的历史,旅途就会更加有趣。I was exhausted by the journey.旅途使我筋疲力尽。Here are some helpful hints to make your journey easier.几条有用的建议可以让你的旅途更轻松。They had an eighty-mile journey and decided to hitch-hike.他们的旅途有八十英里,所以决定搭便车。We were on the last leg of our journey.我们踏上了最后一段旅途I need to find a way to make traveling less of an ordeal.我得想办法让旅途好受点。The journey was long and rough.旅途漫长而艰苦。I never tire of hearing stories about his travels.我从不厌倦听他讲那些旅途见闻。Will the lorries stand up to the journey over rough roads?那些卡车能经得起旅途的颠簸吗?He suggested a card game to relieve the monotony of the journey.他建议打纸牌给旅途解闷。He had $20, but that was not nearly enough for the trip.他有二十元,但这远远不够旅途费用。The journey must have been a torment for them.旅途对他们来说一定十分痛苦。The flight itself is only two hours, but it takes about five hours door to door.飞行本身只有两个小时,但整个旅途用了大约五个小时。This is the end of a tour so I'm a little antsy, I guess.旅途就此结束了,我想我有点坐立不安了。




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