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词汇 政治问题
例句 The brothers often clash over politics.兄弟几个经常因为政治问题而争吵。He aims his bile at religion, drugs, and politics.他把怒气发泄在宗教、毒品和政治问题上。He tried to avoid taking a strong stand on political hot potatoes like abortion.他力图避免在堕胎等棘手的政治问题上明确表达自己的立场。The ambassador would not be drawn on questions of a political nature.大使不会对政治问题发表意见。He was drawing parallels between events leading up to the last war and current political problems.他在将导致上次战争的事件与当前的政治问题作比较。Is it right for the Church to express a view on political issues?教会对政治问题发表看法是否恰当?One cannot easily separate moral, social and political issues.道德、社会和政治问题不容易区分开。She and my father were at each other's throats over politics.她和我父亲就政治问题激烈争吵。Strong nationalist sentiment is compounding the deep political problems faced by the President.强烈的民族主义情绪使总统面临的严重的政治问题更为复杂。In political matters George Washington went out of his way to avoid invoking the authority of Christ.政治问题上,乔治·华盛顿刻意避免借助基督的权威。The mayor tied himself in knots answering a touchy political question. 市长在回答一个敏感的政治问题时把自己给套进去了。Too much coverage is given to sport on TV and not enough to political issues.电视上体育新闻报道太多,而政治问题的报道却不够。We were having a friendly argument about politics.我们就政治问题进行了一番友好的辩论。They sat around the dinner table, arguing about politics.他们围坐在餐桌旁争论政治问题We're of the same mind on most political issues.在大多数政治问题上我们意见一致。A lot of the political issues remain unresolved.许多政治问题仍悬而未决。The queen's husband has a somewhat caustic tongue, and every now and then he would drop a political brick.女王的丈夫说话有点刻薄,不时在政治问题上失言。 They keep on muddying the waters by raising other political issues.他们不停地提出其他政治问题,力图把水搅浑。The central issue in your campaign must not be allowed to obscure the wider political issues.决不能让竞选中的中心议题模糊了更大的政治问题Unemployment has become the most explosive political issue.失业已成为最有争议的政治问题Ed and I used to stay up all night, drinking wine and having heated arguments about politics.过去我和埃德常常整夜不睡,喝着葡萄酒,热烈地争论着政治问题One will never be able to understand why these political issues can acquire such force.人们永远也不会明白为什么这些政治问题会有如此大的影响力。The book treats some political problems.该书论述某些政治问题She's very outspoken about political issues.她谈到政治问题直言不讳。We used to have endless arguments about politics.我们过去老是对政治问题争论不休。Politics is most emphatically back on the agenda.政治问题显然重新提上了日程。These political issues are closely interconnected. 这些政治问题是紧密关联的。We always disagree with them about politics.政治问题上,我们和他们总是意见不一致。Immigration and race relations were key political issues at the time.移民和种族关系是当时主要的政治问题His tunnel vision made sensible discussions on political issues nearly impossible.他目光短浅,几乎不可能就政治问题进行理智的探讨。They have been political sparring partners for years.多年来他们一直是切磋政治问题的对手。But the whole question of aid is a tricky political one.但是整个援助问题是个非常复杂的政治问题This delicate political issue must be handled gingerly.处理这个微妙的政治问题必须慎之又慎。On most political issues my own opinion was pretty well valueless.在大多数政治问题上,我个人的观点是很没有价值的。They were engaged in a lengthy conversation about politics.他们就政治问题进行了一次长谈。I tangled with him over politics.我跟他在政治问题上发生了争论。There were political problems and the idea was eventually scrapped.因存在一些政治问题,这个想法最终被放弃了。They were always getting into arguments about/over politics.谈到政治问题他们总是争吵不休。The doctoring of the document has become a live political issue.对文件的篡改伪造已成为当下让人关注的政治问题Treating popular entertainment as the avenue for debate on political issues encourages both politicians and entertainers to oversimplify.将大众娱乐节目当成讨论政治问题的手段,是鼓励政治家和艺人将问题过于简单化。




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