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词汇 指头
例句 He was drumming his fingers nervously on the arm of the chair.他紧张地用指头敲打着椅子的扶手。I took the splinter out of his finger with tweezers.我用镊子取出了扎进他指头的刺。He crooked his finger at us and led us to the table.他朝我们勾了勾指头,把我们引到桌子旁。He was prepared to take on anyone who laid a finger on us.谁要是敢动我们一指头,他就准备和谁拼了。The nurse pricked my finger to get some blood.护士用针扎我的指头取血。I dipped my finger in the sauce and licked it.我用指头蘸了蘸酱,舔了一下。The boy sat there with his finger up his nose.男孩坐在那儿,一根指头放在鼻子上。My fingers gummed together as the candy melted.糖化时把我指头都粘住了。She suffered several broken digits.她的几根指头断了。As she talked, she curled a strand of hair on one finger.她一边说,一边把一绺头发绕在指头上。




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