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词汇 抓捕
例句 There is a reward for information leading to an arrest.提供抓捕罪犯有用信息的人可获得赏金。Officer Langley acted as a decoy to catch the rapist.警官兰莉充当诱饵来抓捕那名强奸犯。Rangers will set a trap to catch the bear.护林员们将设置一个陷阱抓捕那只熊。They have evaded capture/arrest. 他们躲过了抓捕/逮捕。The shooting happened while the man was trying to evade capture by the security forces.枪击发生时,该名男子正试图躲避安全部队的抓捕Police set up roadblocks in an attempt to capture Dutroux.警察设置路障想抓捕迪特鲁。The ANC claimed the curfew gave licence to the police to hunt people as if they were animals.非国大声称宵禁使得警察肆无忌惮地把人们当动物来抓捕The police had planted an officer in the club to catch the drug dealers.警方在该俱乐部安插了一名警官,准备抓捕毒贩。Several TV stations are reporting that the police are close to making an arrest.几家电视台报道称警方即将实施抓捕It was an undercover operation designed to catch drug smugglers.这是一次旨在抓捕毒品走私犯的秘密行动。The police struck at dawn in a carefully timed operation to catch the bombers.警方在黎明时分发起突击,抓捕放置炸弹的人,这是在时间上经过周密安排的一次行动。The police are investigating the case but they have not yet made any arrests.警方正在调查此案,但他们还未实施抓捕He managed to evade capture because of the breakdown of a police computer.因为警方一台电脑瘫痪,他成功地躲避了抓捕The police are laying/setting a trap to catch him.警方正设伏抓捕他。He says the police acted precipitately in making the arrest.他说警方贸然施行了抓捕The police spend a lot of time hunting drug smugglers.警方花大量的时间抓捕毒品走私犯。The Royal Canadian Mounted Police always get their man! 加拿大皇家骑警总能抓到他们想要抓捕的人!The police are working hard to catch the criminals and put them in jail.警方正在全力抓捕罪犯并把他们投入监狱。We saw the eagle swoop from the sky to catch its prey.我们看到老鹰从空中猛扑下去抓捕猎物。Police recently arrested a drug courier in our neighborhood.最近,警方在我们街区抓捕了一名毒品送货人。It would be dangerous to go after the killer on your own.你一个人去抓捕凶手是很危险的。The police swooped in and captured the criminals.警方突然出现,抓捕了罪犯。So far the killer has managed to stay one step ahead of the police/law. 至今,杀手已成功躲过警方的抓捕The police are offering a reward for information leading to the capture of the fugitive.警方正悬赏征集抓捕逃犯的线索。I was preoccupied with problems of eluding the police.我一心想着躲避警察抓捕的问题。The teenager took his life in his hands in trying to avoid being caught by police.这少年冒死设法躲避警察的抓捕He went into exile to avoid capture and execution by the government.为躲避政府的抓捕和极刑,他开始流亡。Both the army and the police were involved in the apprehension of the terrorists.军队和警察都参与了抓捕恐怖分子的行动。The Fawcett brothers were too wily to be caught, and the local residents could get no help from the law.福西特兄弟非常狡猾无法抓捕,当地居民得不到警察的帮助。Federal agents raided the warehouse, seizing stolen property and arresting five smugglers.联邦探员突击搜查了这个仓库,找到了赃物并抓捕了五名走私犯。The killer has eluded capture.杀人犯躲开了抓捕




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