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词汇 appeal
例句 The proper role of appeal judges is an issue that has long exercised the finest legal minds.上诉法官应当扮演何种角色,这一问题长期以来困扰着那些最出色的法律人士。She said how much she appreciated the overwhelming generosity of the public in responding to the appeal.对公众为响应这个呼吁所表现出的极大慷慨,她发言表达了万分感激。A stylish design adds to the appeal of this contemporary house.时尚的设计增加了这所现代住宅的吸引力。The case is currently under appeal. 此案正在上诉过程中。College lost its appeal for her in the second year.到了第二年,大学对她来说就没有吸引力了。An appeal court decided their convictions were unsafe.上诉法庭裁定对他们的判罪证据不足。The owner can appeal to the court to adjudicate on the matter.业主可请求法院裁定此事。His detective novels are beginning to appeal to a wider audience.他的侦探小说开始吸引更广泛的读者群。He waived his right to appeal.他放弃了上诉的权利。The appeal court upheld a finding that the agreement was unlawful.上诉法院维持原裁决,认为协议不合法。This careful phraseology is clearly intended to appeal to various sides of the conflict.这种谨慎的措词显然是有意迎合冲突各方。His policies appeal across party political boundaries.他的政策感召力超越了党派政治界限。The conference heard an appeal from a representative from one of the more deprived areas.大会听取了一位来自较贫困地区代表的请求。Their songs appeal to a broad spectrum of music lovers.他们的歌吸引了广大的音乐爱好者。Does either suggestion appeal to you?这两个建议有你感兴趣的吗?The Act contains detailed provisions for appeal against the court's decision.该法案含有对法庭裁决上诉的详细规定。Many church services hold little appeal for modern tastes.许多教堂的礼拜仪式对于现代人缺乏吸引力。Advertisers need to find the right angle to make their product appeal to consumers.广告商需要找到正确的角度使产品吸引消费者。The appeal wrought powerfully upon him.这一呼吁对他起了强烈的作用。If you don't agree with the result etc ,you can appeal to the board of examiners.如果你对成绩有异议,可以向考试委员会上诉。The war continues as a fresh UN appeal for a ceasefire has been rejected.联合国再次要求停战的呼吁遭到了拒绝,战争继续进行。He made a direct appeal to middle-of-the-road voters.他直接向那些持中间立场的选民发出呼吁。He was found guilty but was granted/given leave to appeal against the verdict.他被判有罪,但获准提出上诉。The appeal court refused to overturn the lower court's decision.上诉法院拒绝推翻下一级法院的决定。An appeal has been lodged against the court's decision.对法院的裁决已提出上诉。His views hold no appeal for me.他的观点我不感兴趣。Food still held no appeal.食物仍不具有吸引力。The aid appeal has galvanized the German business community.这一援助诉请促使德国商业界行动起来。We plan to appeal the court's decision.我们计划对法院判决提起上诉。The play has lost its box-office appeal.这部戏已没有票房价值。Mr Mates said the party must broaden its appeal to younger voters.梅茨先生说该党必须吸引更多较年轻的选民。His second book will appeal to a narrower audience, mainly teachers and college students.他的第二本书的读者面将比较狭小,主要是教师和大学生。If anything, swimming will appeal to her most strongly.如果说有什么能强烈地吸引她,那就是游泳了。The case was upheld on appeal.这一案件的上诉获得受理。The menu was designed to appeal to both children and adults.这份菜单意在吸引小孩和大人。How do you explain the appeal of horror films?你怎么解释恐怖电影的吸引力?The court case was dismissed by the judge but reinstated on appeal.案件被法官驳回,但因上诉而得到重新审理。Her conviction was thrown out on appeal. 提起上诉以后,她的有罪判决被推翻了。The rise of a mass electorate forced politicians to broaden their appeal.一个大选民团体的出现迫使从政者扩大支持者的范围。This morning's appeal was held in camera.今天上午的上诉案不公开审理。




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