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词汇 Apparently
例句 Apparently, Jeff has a new woman.显然杰夫又有女人了。Apparently he's turned over a new leaf and he's not smoking any more.显然他已经改过自新,不再抽烟了。Apparently there's a very hush-hush project under way up north.貌似这里往北的地方有个非常机密的项目正在进行。Apparently, she resigned because she had an argument with her boss.听说她因为跟老板吵了一架而辞职了。Apparently he made a mess of his audition.看样子他把试镜搞砸了。Apparently he was off pressing the flesh at some luncheon, and that was more important than seeing us.他很显然地是在某个午餐会上和人握手,这比见我们来得重要多了。Apparently the company has plans to take over its biggest rival.显然,公司有计划接管其最大的竞争对手。Apparently, moves are afoot to ban smoking in public places.看来,公共场所禁烟的行动正在酝酿中。Apparently some people have an inborn tendency to develop certain kinds of tumour.显然有些人天生就容易患某些肿瘤。Apparently, Jim's a really good tennis player.据说吉姆是一名非常出色的网球运动员。Apparently, he has a son, but he's kept that very dark.他似乎有个儿子,但他把这件事藏得很隐秘。Apparently, well-known actors were at these filthy parties.似乎有些知名演员也参加了这些淫秽聚会。Apparently trivial clues may turn out to be important.看似微不足道的线索实际上可能相当重要。Apparently the zoo animals had become acclimated to the crowd noise and were no longer startled by it.显然动物园中的动物已经对人群发出的噪音习以为常,不再会因此受到惊吓。Apparently there were discrepancies between police reports taken from the same witnesses at different times.显然警方在不同时候对同一批证人所记录的口供报告内容有出入。Apparently the girl was the victim of a vicious sex attack.显然,这个女孩是一起暴力性侵犯的受害者。Apparently the jewellery wasn't insured.那些珠宝似乎没有投保。Apparently Don's wife is seriously ill, and they think it might be cancer.唐的妻子显然病得很重,他们认为可能是癌症。Apparently her husband bought her the car as an anniversary surprise.显然,她丈夫给她买这辆车是作为结婚纪念日的一个惊喜。Apparently these stories are meant to amuse.显然这些故事的目的就在于搞笑。Apparently he was a terrible hypochondriac.看起来他患有严重的疑病症。Apparently there are bats in the inmost caves.很明显在洞穴的深处有蝙蝠。Apparently, they had escaped somehow and gotten home.显然,他们想方设法逃回了家里。Apparently, the aide had acted without White House sanction.这名助理的所作所为显然未经过白宫的批准。Apparently, Meg's cooking leaves a lot to be desired.显然,梅格的厨艺还有很大的改进余地。Apparently the girls are not at all amused by the whole business.据说女孩们觉得整件事情一点也不好笑。Apparently he had been unfortunate enough to fall victim to a gang of thugs.他显然不幸落入了一群歹徒之手。Apparently it's cheaper to fly than to go by train.显然,乘飞机比坐火车便宜。Apparently they've lost three games out of seven already.他们显然在七场比赛中已经输了三场。Apparently, well known actors were at these filthy parties.听说有些知名演员也参加了这些下流的聚会。Apparently he's a sod to work for.据说为他工作很麻烦。Apparently, they've since patched things up with their father.显然,从那以后,他们就和父亲重归于好了。Apparently he's gone off with someone he met at a conference last year.很明显他和去年在一次会上认识的一个人好上了。Apparently he once worked for the FBI.据说他曾为联邦调查局工作。Apparently she did not succeed.看样子她没有成功。She once promised that she would build 200,000 units of social housing. Apparently, she's recanted.她曾经承诺要建造二十万户社会住宅,现在显然她反悔了。Apparently he's a double, does a little smuggling as cover.很明显他是个双重间谍,干点走私作为掩护。Apparently, she was a bit of a goer before she got married.显然,在结婚前她有些放荡。Apparently the company is losing a lot of money.据说该公司正在亏损大笔的钱。Apparently he's had enough of England and is going back to Australia.据说他在英国呆够了,要回澳大利亚。




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