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词汇 appeal for
例句 He appealed for a commutation of his death sentence to life imprisonment.他请求由死刑减刑为终身监禁。Many church services hold little appeal for modern tastes.许多教堂的礼拜仪式对于现代人缺乏吸引力。Politicians at all levels appealed for calm.各级政治家们呼吁保持平静。The speaker made an eloquent appeal for human rights.该发言人就人权问题发出了强有力的呼吁。The UN appealed for help with the flood of refugees crossing the border.大量难民涌过边界,联合国呼吁援助。The war continues as a fresh UN appeal for a ceasefire has been rejected.联合国再次要求停战的呼吁遭到了拒绝,战争继续进行。The government appealed for calm after the riots broke out.骚乱爆发之后政府呼吁人们镇静。Police have appealed for witnesses to come forward.警方呼吁目击者出来提供线索。This kind of music hasn't much appeal for me.这类音乐对我没什么吸引力。The private school's exclusivity was part of its appeal for many parents.这所私立学校的排外性是吸引许多家长的部分原因。Her appeals for funds to support the cause were met with outright refusals.她为支持这一事业而筹集资金的呼吁遭到了断然拒绝。College lost its appeal for her in the second year.到了第二年,大学对她来说就没有吸引力了。The ambassador appealed for a change in US policy.大使呼吁美国在政策上作出改变。This is not another appeal for famine relief.这不是为赈济饥荒的又一次募捐。Police appealed for witnesses after a woman was kidnapped at gunpoint.一名妇女遭到持枪绑架后,警方呼吁证人挺身而出。The UN appealed for both sides to exercise self-restraint.联合国呼吁双方要自我克制。Police renewed their appeal for witnesses.警察再次呼吁目击证人出来作证。The UN has launched an emergency famine appeal for Angola.联合国已为安哥拉发出饥荒紧急援助的呼吁。The police appealed for witnesses to come forward with information.警方呼吁目击者站出来提供消息。Community and church leaders have appealed for calm and no retaliation.社区和教会领袖呼吁保持平静,不要报复。The government appealed for calm.政府呼吁保持镇静。The President went on television to appeal for calm.总统在电视上发表讲话号召人们保持平静。All their appeals for help met with a deafening silence.他们所有的帮助请求都无人理睬。She made an eloquent appeal for action.她发表了富有说服力的演讲,呼吁采取行动。It is an appeal for us all to lay aside our prejudices.这一呼吁号召我们大家抛开偏见。The United Nations has appealed for help from the international community.联合国已经呼吁国际社会提供援助。These subjects have lost their appeal for most students.对多数学生来说,这些学科已经失去了吸引力。His views hold no appeal for me.他的观点我不感兴趣。The appeal for peace reached throughout the world.和平的呼声遍及世界。His remarks amounted to an indirect appeal for economic aid.他的话实际上就是拐弯抹角地请求经济援助。The police have appealed for information concerning the whereabouts of the stolen car used in the robbery.劫案中使用的被窃汽车下落如何,警方呼吁人们提供消息。Responding to the news, Mr Watt appealed for calm.面对这个消息,瓦特先生呼吁要保持冷静。The hospital appealed for more people to donate blood.医院呼吁更多的人献血。They made a desperate appeal for help.他们极力恳求帮助。His movies have no appeal for the average Joe Blow.他的电影吸引不了普通大众。He made an impassioned appeal for peace.他慷慨激昂地呼吁和平。In his inaugural address, the President appealed for national unity.总统在就职演说中呼吁全国团结一致。Both sides appealed for a new ceasefire.双方都呼吁达成新的停火协议。There was a theatrical air about the whole scene which had a great appeal for me.整个场面很宏大,深深吸引住了我。They appealed for the destruction of all nuclear stockpiles.他们呼吁销毁一切核武器储存。




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