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词汇 appeal against
例句 Heath's appeal against the sentence was later successful.希思对判决不服提出上诉,后来胜诉了。He appealed against his conviction for murder.他不服谋杀的判决,提起上诉。He's bringing an appeal against the size of the fine.他因不满罚金的数额正在提出上诉。Lawyers said last night that they would be lodging an appeal against the sentence.律师们昨晚表示他们将对此项判决提起上诉。He will appeal against his conviction.他将对他的有罪判决提起上诉。These notes do not affect your right of appeal against any tax assessment.这些记录不会影响到你对征税估值的上诉权。She has decided not to appeal against a court order banning her from keeping animals.对于法院禁止她饲养动物的判令,她决定不再上诉。I appealed against the decision because I knew I had right on my side.我对此决定提出异议,因为我知道我是正确的。He said they would appeal against the decision.他说他们将对该决议提出申诉。He was found guilty but was granted/given leave to appeal against the verdict.他被判有罪,但获准提出上诉。His appeal against the sentence was successful.他对判决的上诉成功了。He appealed against the conviction.他不服定罪而上诉。The Act contains detailed provisions for appeal against the court's decision.该法案含有对法庭裁决上诉的详细规定。Diehard opponents of the scheme say that they will appeal against the court's decision.反对这个方案的顽固分子声称要对法院的判决进行上诉。They will appeal against the decision.他们将对这一判决提出上诉。She appealed against a High Court ruling that she should be forcibly fed to save her life.高级法院裁决应强制她进食以挽救她的性命,她对此提起上诉。The Crown had planned to appeal against the leniency of the sentence.王室不满这么轻的判决,已经计划上诉。Our captain appealed against the light.我们队长以光线太暗吁请裁判中止比赛。The captain appealed against the light.球队队长以光线不宜吁请裁判中止比赛。He appealed against the five-year sentence he had been given.他对被判五年徒刑提出上诉。Unsuccessful applicants may appeal against the decision.申请失败的人如不服本决定可以上诉。Some prisoners entered formal appeals against their verdicts and sentences.有些犯人对其所受裁决和课刑正式提出上诉。




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