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词汇 托盘
例句 Jerry came in carrying a tray of glasses that were wobbling alarmingly.杰里捧着一托盘的玻璃杯走来,那些杯子摇摇晃晃的很吓人。A man came round with a tray of chocolates.一名男子端着一托盘巧克力走过来。Carefully lift the cake off the tray and cool on a wire rack.把蛋糕小心地从托盘上拿起,放到金属架上冷却。The tray was tilted at an angle.托盘倾斜成一定角度放置。He laid the tray down on the table.他把托盘放在桌子上。A maid came to take away the tray.一名女仆过来拿走了托盘They carried trays containing soil samples.他们端着放有土壤样本的托盘He balanced the glasses carefully on the tray.他小心地使玻璃杯在托盘上保持平衡。When no one was looking, he snatched a tray of watches and ran out of the shop.在没有人注意时,他抓了一托盘的手表跑出了商店。Commodities susceptible to water damage should be on skids or pallets.易受水损的货物应当用垫木或托盘垫起来。He loaded the cups onto a tray.他把杯子放到托盘上。In a brilliant mime, he showed how he supported the tray.他以精彩的滑稽表演展示了如何支起托盘Use shells to decorate boxes, trays, mirrors or even pots.用贝壳来装点盒子、托盘、镜子甚至是花盆。A waitress came in, carrying tea on a tray.一名女侍者走进来,用托盘端着茶。He set the tray upon the table.他把托盘放在了桌子上。I took a glass of champagne from the tray the waiter held out.我从服务员端出的托盘中拿过一杯香槟。A crane was already unloading crates and pallets.起重机已经开始卸载木箱和托盘了。In her hurry, Eva stumbled and dropped the tray she was carrying.伊娃于匆忙间绊了一下,手中的托盘也掉到地上。A waiter came by, balancing a tray of wineglasses.一个侍者稳稳地端着一托盘葡萄酒杯走过来。She deposited the loaded tray.她把满满的托盘放下。The cafeteria was self-service, and guests had to carry their food on little plastic trays to mucky tables.这是家自助餐厅,顾客得自己把食物放在塑料小托盘里端到肮脏的桌子上。I could feel the tray tottering and suddenly all the drinks crashed to the floor.我能感到托盘摇摇欲坠,突然所有的饮料都摔在地上。After a while their mother was back, holding a tray of glasses that fizzed.过了一会儿他们的母亲回来了,用托盘端着一杯杯嘶嘶冒泡的饮料。The fish is laid out on a large serving plate to catch the juices.鱼放在大托盘里,可防止浇汁流出。After a while their mother was back, holding a tray of drinks that fizzed.过了一会儿他们的母亲回来了,用托盘端着一杯杯冒着气泡的饮料。He turned up the visiting card that lay face downwards on the tray.他把托盘上覆着的来客名片翻了过来。He plopped the tray down.他重重地把托盘往下一放。The waiters balanced the food on large trays.服务生把食物均匀地放在大托盘上。The waiter brought drinks on a tray.服务员用托盘端来饮料。She was carrying a tray laden with dishes.她拿着一个装满碟子的托盘The platter has an electroplated finish.托盘有一层镀银。The whole tray of dishes fell to the floor with a crash.托盘的碟子哗啦一声都落到了地上。He put the tray down with a clatter.他把托盘哐的一声放下。Flora watched Mrs Brown staggering upstairs with a heavy tray.弗洛拉看着布朗夫人拿着一只沉甸甸的托盘蹒跚地走上楼。Several glasses slid off the tray and crashed to the floor.有几个杯子从托盘上滑下来,落到地板上摔碎了。He took the heavily laden tray from her.他接过她手中盛得满满的托盘Bring me up on a tray a cup of coffee and add another for the visitor.给我用托盘拿一杯咖啡来,再端一杯给客人。




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