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词汇 我们应该
例句 It's high time we got a pay rise!我们应该马上涨工资才是!She says we need to depoliticize the process by which judges are chosen.她说我们应该让选择法官的程序不受政治影响。I take it for granted that we should build new roads.我们应该修建新的公路,我认为这是理所当然不在话下的。We should go up and take possession of the land.我们应该北上占领那片土地。The rest of you may disagree, but I, for one, think we should go ahead with the plan.你们其他人可能不同意,可是在我看来,我觉得我们应该继续执行这项计划。We should clean up the past-due bills.我们应该清理逾期票据。We should think about the similarities between cultures, not the differences.我们应该考虑文化上的相似之处,而非不同之处。I think we should postpone the outing.我认为我们应该推迟这次郊游。We should jettison these old computers and get new ones.我们应该处理掉这些旧电脑,换成新的。I think we're getting off the track here - we're supposed to be discussing our advertising campaign.我觉得我们离题了——我们应该讨论的是广告宣传活动。I think perhaps we should go indoors.我想也许我们应该进屋去。We take for granted the things that we should be giving thanks for.我们通常把我们应该感谢的事视为理所当然。We should be able to put the opposing team down at the first half of the game.我们应该能在上半场就打败对手。We should be encouraging new ideas, not stifling them.我们应该鼓励创意,而不是将其扼杀。Maybe we ought to go down to the library and check it out.或许我们应该去趟图书馆,查个明白。I think we should keep this one and sell the others.我觉得我们应该留着这个,把其他的卖掉。We should be able to pay off the debt within two years.我们应该能在两年内还清债务。People said we should just let the firm go under.人们说我们应该就此让这家公司破产。Perhaps we owe these people more respect.也许我们应该给予这些人更多的尊重。A few more months of hard work should be enough to get/put us over the hump on this project.再努力工作几个月,我们应该就能度过这个项目最困难的阶段了。We should wait for the winds to calm down before we set sail.我们应该等风小点再起航。We should celebrate diversity.我们应该提倡多样性。I believe we should respect all religions of the world equally.我认为我们应该平等地尊重世界上所有的宗教。We should get together sometime.我们应该找个日子聚一下。Maybe we should throw a party, seeing that it's Dan's birthday next week.鉴于下周是丹的生日,或许我们应该搞个聚会。I'll be over your way tonight, we should meet up.我今晚去你那儿,我们应该碰个头。We need to factor inflation into our calculations.我们应该把通货膨胀纳入计算。How much delay should we build into the plan?我们应该为这个计划预留多少富余的时间?I think we should split whatever we get four ways.不管我们弄到什么,我都觉得我们应该平分为四份。We should put out a few extra chairs in case more people arrive.我们应该多放几把椅子,以备更多人的到来。The general consensus is that we should go ahead.大家的普遍共识是我们应该继续向前。Let's keep things in proportion. You should be able to wait one more day after you have waited two months already.我们应该理性地处理问题,你都已经等了两个月了,再多等一天也未尝不可。If everything clicks, we should have a good season.如果一切顺利,我们应该有一个不错的赛季。We're supposed to bus our own trays.我们应该把自己的盘子清走。I think we need to discourage illegal immigration.我认为我们应该阻止非法移民入境。We need to remember the lessons of history.我们应该记住历史的教训。From the evidence gathered from witnesses we should be able to work out what happened that night.根据从证人那里搜集到的证据来看,我们应该能搞清楚那晚发生什么事了。Maybe we should try again tomorrow.也许我们应该明天再试试。There is a growing body of opinion that says we should put the environment first.越来越多的人认为我们应该把环境放在第一位。By the time the evening rush hour begins, we should have got the traffic system sorted out.在傍晚车辆高峰时间到来前,我们应该可以把交通秩序整顿好了。




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