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词汇 感受到
例句 Those tensions have been felt most acutely by women.最能深切感受到这种紧张氛围的是女性。He responded very strongly to the aesthetic of this particular work.他强烈地感受到这件作品的美学价值。I felt a shudder in the floor as the truck drove by.卡车驶过时,我感受到了地板的震动。I could feel the warmth of the sun.我能够感受到太阳的温暖。The perceived risk is far greater than reality.感受到的风险远比现实中的大。We're still feeling the shock wave from the collapse of the Asian economies.我们仍然可以感受到亚洲经济崩溃所带来的冲击。Earth tremors were being felt at regular intervals yesterday.昨天每隔一定时间便感受到地震。Many country parishes were still living in blissful ignorance of the post-war crime wave.庆幸的是,许多乡村教区仍然没有感受到战后的犯罪浪潮。They experienced a tremendous sense of awe in the cathedral.在大教堂里他们感受到了一种深深的敬畏之情。The effect of the tax should be felt in higher prices.人们可能从上涨的价格中感受到增税的影响。I'm rarely under pressure and my co-workers are always nice to me.我很少感受到压力,同事们一直对我很好。I think the heat is getting to all of us.我想我们所有人都感受到了热。Exotic trees provide welcome shade.在充满异国风情的树下可感受到令人舒爽的阴凉。The industrial north of the country felt the full impact of the recession.这个国家北部的工业区感受到了经济衰退的全面冲击。Priests have witnessed an increase in religious intolerance.牧师们亲身感受到宗教不宽容现象在日益加重。Only a small subset of the patients in the study experienced these side effects.研究中只有一小部分患者感受到了这些副作用。She had a defiant message for the sneerers and critics.她让讽刺批评者感受到了她的蔑视。Now that the deadline is approaching we all feel under pressure.由于最后期限就要到了,我们都感受到了压力。The government responded to pressure and dropped the proposal.政府感受到压力之后撤销了那项提议。The impact of the property boom was first felt in the financial markets.金融市场最先感受到房地产繁荣所带来的影响。She felt in her bones that nothing had changed.她强烈地感受到一切都没有改变。It certainly wasn't love that he felt.感受到的当然不是爱情。She felt his warm breath on her cheek.感受到他温暖的呼吸拂在脸颊上。Do you feel a draft?你有没有感受到一阵气流?He felt the weariness of aeons.感受到长期以来的积劳。He felt the familiar prickle of excitement as the game began.比赛开始时,他感受到了那种熟悉的兴奋。He felt the call to preach the faith to others.感受到向他人传播宗教信仰的召唤。She felt a constant pressure to earn more money.她不断感受到了挣更多钱的压力。People experience differences in physical and mental capability depending on the time of day.人们会感受到在一天的不同时段,体力和脑力也会有所不同。He sensed the lukewarm atmosphere.感受到了那种冷淡的气氛。You could feel the energy coming back to you from the audience.你可以感受到活力从观众回到自己身上来。He experienced feelings of inadequacy as a parent.他亲身感受到什么是不称职的家长了。Businesses are feeling the indirect effects from the recession that's going on elsewhere.企业感受到了别处经济衰退带来的间接影响。Grant that we may know your presence and love.让我们感受到你的同在和你的慈爱。We were feeling the heat as the deadline approached.随着最后期限的临近,我们渐渐感受到压力。The car industry, like most other industries, is feeling the effects of the recession.汽车工业跟其他多数工业一样,也感受到了经济衰退的冲击。The company strives to make its employees feel appreciated.这家公司努力让员工们感受到被赏识。It was a bit of a culture shock when I first came to this country.刚到这个国家时,我感受到了一些文化冲击。The residents of the city are experiencing palpable signs of progress after the new mayor took office.新市长上任之后,市民感受到显而易见的进步。You become aware of a powerful community spirit.感受到了强大的社区精神。




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