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I was all in a fluster over the enormous amount.面对这么大的量我心慌意乱。Her sudden silence disconcerted me.她的突然沉默使我心慌意乱。I had an unnerving encounter with her yesterday.昨天我与她偶遇,使我心慌意乱。I was confused by all the noise.我被所有这些噪声扰得心慌意乱。She has panic attacks whenever she has to speak in public.在公众场合发言的时候她总会感到一阵心慌意乱。The speaker was not discomposed by the jeers of the crowd.演说者并没有因为听众喝倒彩而心慌意乱。Tony was unnerved by the uncanny familiarity of her face.奇怪的是,她看起来竟有些面熟,这让托尼心慌意乱。The distraught woman ran out of the burning house.心慌意乱的妇人跑出正在燃烧的房子。 |